I decided today to create a blog on which to discuss openly with all the issues that affect my life.
I think the possibility of exchanging ideas, opinions and information cipermette internet, is an incredible power.
Only through the free movement of human thought can change and help the world.
In the past, culture and information were exclusive of a few.
Today has the potential to reach of all. Unfortunately there is still much to be done. In fact, only 20% of the world population has access to information. Just those 20% that consumes more than 80% of world resources, holds 90% of the wealth and produces 70% of the pollution.
we really ignore this? Do we really want to selfishness and fear our only virtue?
Or perhaps we decide today to discover and develop our values \u200b\u200bin the interest for this world around us and gave us life.
I chose this picture for the first post 'cause I think it perfectly expresses the moment in which we live.
is precisely the fact that hands have allowed us to be where we are. And it 'and then with your hands now we keep the world in your hand (or so' credit).
One thing is' certain. The man has immense power to change our land. The choice is ours, if changed since and loving it or exploit it till 'you can' to increase our wellbeing.
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