Monday, October 17, 2005

When Does Cubefield End

Bow and arrow and instinct

"One day, Drona, to put his students to the test, a mock
eagle mounted atop a long pole.
pupils at his command would have to detach the head from the body with an arrow.
She explained: 'you tell me what you see when you take aim '.
began by Yudhisthira, who explained: I see you, that tree, its branches
...'. Drona .- shook his head and said,' Enough, enough!

Mahabharata, review RKNaravan, 1977.

rilerimento talk about instinct in action or behavior that is not directly linked to self-preservation and reproduction, and the perpetuation the species, it sounds weird.
In nature, instinctive behaviors, those fixed forms that characterize the species of animal (and human) are genetically determined in a direct way. These
affected in a limited environment and its influences. There is a portion of behavior that is not genetically transmitted and that of the learned behavior, a phenomenon very "cultural".
In this case, the genetic control mediated primarily by the ability to learn and secondly, if they exist, from the learning channels that orient to certain stimuli or confine within certain time intervals (see imprint).
Here, in the case of learned behaviors, Analysis should move the target from the event to its behavioral determinants reasons.
The great chain of human activity in which the instinct (in the broadest sense) directs the game is composed of systems of action-reaction coming from the legacy of prehistoric human activity in which the animal was rather than rational behavior by all those artificial which are shaped according to adaptation to the environment during evolution. Instinctive behavior,
directly influenced by emotions, is a language that speaks to us from the depths. Some events are instinctive for us usual, as some reactions to danger and to protect our progeny, the mechanism of courtship.
But the chain is also made by rings made of events in action, the environment and property, many of which have gradually weakened with the impoverishment of the senses (which were at the dawn of our evolution the animal component more valuable to the defense and hunting) and only some of them occasionally emerge in us.
happens when they leave us stunned and confused, often disoriented. The differentiation between purely instinctive and acquired action for adaptation to the environment, and its changing circumstances, which gradually becomes natural and transmittable, often fades as well as its meaning. We are in fact hybrid animals.
pure instinct you can only see one of the beasts, assisting with a leopard cub that exercising at a hunting "large" while his mother watches him closely and observing the many miracles and actions that appear in nature documentaries.
For a hunter's instinct is to reclaim part of that, to compete with the wild
, the lost dimension that allows the dehumanization necessary to its relocation in nature and the environment.
When is a component becomes instinctive, in other words, when it happens that a pattern of actions developed as a function of baseline need to become instinctive techniques to shareholders with Transmissible genes? On this front, we still know very little. However, it is possible that certain attitudes of adaptation to develop a mechanism of natural selection in which the holders of the solution to the problem (and therefore survive) tramandino to their posterity those skills / abilities that enable them to survive in the environment or to turn his adversity . A sort of adjustment to the genetic predisposition to learn, which can also be lost once the environment (and the selection you are} amended and no longer requires these characteristics.
The philosopher and anthropologist Bateson speaks of two categories of behavioral mechanisms and active production that can reconnect almost all human actions: the calibration and feedback.
are both on controlled by the brain and produced by the body, both acquired from the input and both cause a reaction in our muscles in our actions. There are therefore two methods of improvement of adaptive action. In our case, we see in the report related to the strike from a distance.

calibration results from the analysis in the strict sense of the senses and the instinctive part of the brain. In practice it does not analyze the processes one by one, but is expressed in a reaction that is often a direct action of the body very quickly.
is gradually refined through practice, repetition, with the unconscious assimilation of the variables. The key feature of this Calibration is the necessary training time to ensure that it become effective, error-proof (only on a large number of mistakes it is to establish a valid calibration process), but at the same time will be extremely adaptable to different circumstances and can achieve amazing goals. Its only limitation is the energy required to be used to obtain adequate experience to avoid mistakes. Learning a manual activity is something like a sort of gradual unconscious meaning of an operation repeated several times.
The carpenter nailing boards in an efficient and ergonomic advantage of a workout because of thousands of repetitions and corrections, but does not think raises the hammer and hits the nail. We can not speak of carpentry instinctive, but if the carpentry in the very long time to become a key focus for the conservation of the human species, individuals do not survive the carpenter carpenters and then probably become a transmitter of selected genes. Instinct for its future generations, individuals would be able to drive nails with a reduced training due to genetic predisposition to learning the art in
well-defined time windows.
We are faced therefore with natural activities (the place that does not require the use of reason), some of which may become part of the genetic heritage of transmissible instincts, instead of other lower category that do not. A process
sure instinct, and then calibrated and walking: the child, when he stops walking on all fours and learns to walk at two, he does after falls and slips. The child, growing up, instinctively learns to walk. Although his parents help him, in fact he does not have a great need, they do not teach him anything. The ontogenetic mechanism is alone and is suggestive as it duplicates the phylogeny of primate hominid bipedalism that makes her, in a very short time.

Feedback is a process governed by the rational component of the human brain. Generally mediated by systems mechanistic and units, which are helpful and often become the backbone of the mechanism in which the rational mind to acquire a given time has the need to process information in a linear process (the starting point must be uniquely determined as well as the boundary conditions) and leads to the result by a correction of progressive and accomplished in small steps.
The accuracy of the results obtained with the feedback is very high and depending on the amount of variables involved and the precise knowledge of them. The feedback system is scientific and "Galileo" to all intents and purposes identified parameters, the process can be replicated and the result is virtually guaranteed. The feedback to
human activity, not animal, because the result of a cognitive mechanism entirely governed by reason.
But what does all this with archery?
Today, archery is practiced in two ways, of course, fundamental to the outside there is a glorification of technology: arches dating of pulleys (the compound) that greatly expand the effort is intended to allow a more comfortable, along with devices
sight (sight pin, sight and Visette) that allow an alignment (after appropriate calibration) can in the center of the target without knowing the distance. The other form, called instinctive, is followed by those who love traditional equipment, basic and primitive and admittedly it does not happen with collimation (no viewfinder and the other trappings to facilitate or induce). In effect, the controversy which can be observed on the race tracks and rallies that provide for both specialties is often what is expressed by doubt, sometimes legally, that whoever takes over the target in all respects with the tip aimed the arrow on a false purpose, with some other bizarre combination of external references in the center of the target you must hit. It comes to style and borders on moral philosophy. The "pure" disdain the charges to target. In the voltage is only competitive race, the anxiety for the comparison with others. The
target is a sheet of paper or a three-dimensional shape in the shape of wild, distances, even if unknown, however, included in a range that goes from 5 to 50 meters, are proportional to the size of life corresponding to the maximum score achievable. The evaluation of the distance, if you aim with the bow technology (0 for those who "bara" and seizing references coincide with the tip of the arrow), is critical only by virtue of the score.
In hunting, the situation is completely different.
First of all the distances are smaller, and many more, on average, then the voltage is extremely high and more opportunities for the bow are monstrously rare. Emotion is a funny thing. Evidently, the feedback mechanism is the shooting as those specialties that involve objective aims, the goal and collimation. Human intervention is a recurring weapon-target object. The first hit leads to a result, by which humans modified instrumental apparatus target or setting the structure, up to the (system calibration) of the target in its center. Getting in the race with well-calibrated equipment and a proper training is essential.
The error to be corrected (the information that must be used) is the difference between the aims of the viewfinder system and the direction of the target, the greater the severity of the correction factor (function of distance and mass of the arrow). In practice this adjustment is the key to hit the target in situations similar to each other. Still in training may be that the athlete often have to travel this circuit: receiving the news of the error, fix it, receive the news of a minor error 0 zero and finally release the arrow.
In this way, the archer, in the calculations is aware that the next round, does not report news or information about what occurred on the first lap. The only information is the error on that specific point. He does not need to change himself.

calibrated mechanism is completely different for the archer to aim and release the arrow unique, does not have time to correct your aim before release.
True-strain-release is a single action, whose result (target colpiùo to no) information must be reported as the next shooting. And the whole operation must be improved, the object information is then the whole operation.
The new shooting the archer has to calculate (and does so unconsciously) its action based on information about the location of the new target and on the experience in previous shots, and especially on their outcome. The differences between the shots made and their results are kinesthetic stimulation needed to face new situations of fire. The refinement of perceptions (Environment, light, contrast, wind, height differences) and refines the shooter makes it effective, the price of such training.
In summary, archer aiming simply runs its course cybernetic a number of separate times, and who instinctively pulls must gradually acquire their skills to build, introducing the subsequent experiences in
those that have already been made. Every shot is the product of a "new archer, calibrated by past experience. The traditional
shot was created with the traditional bow, that is simple and essential part of prehistory and the beginning of history. The vision that makes her how to shoot instinctively, sometimes misleading term as it is seen.
To analyze how there can be a model of instinctive shooting calibrated, you can get lost in a sea of \u200b\u200buncertainty. In effect, from what has been written, the instinctive shooting is a shooting holistic tout court that involves the entire body from the kinesthetic point of view, which does not break the action in separate stages on which to act retrospectively, which incorporates in itself the machine (the arch becomes a means of propelling a bullet, replace the arm that throws a stone or a spear) and is optimized with a lot of practice. The adaptation of the body-propulsion system, combined perceptions can (proprioception) buoyancy adjusted in subsequent documents stored in the memory of gestures, identify it as a process of recursive self-learning how to walk, run to work with their hands on the matter. Then call this
archery "instinctive" is perhaps an exaggeration semantics, but it suggests the immediacy with its essence. It could be discussed as part of the prey instinct heritage of our species and II as well the "strike at a distance". In this respect, shoot the arrow with the body without the intermediation of reason that takes advantage of corrective feedback, with practice on their mistakes, it could barely be seen as the extreme development of the predatory act consistent with the behavioral expression hunting.

No objective it seeks
The calculation assumes instinctive shooting The absolute lack of aims and means of objective assessment of the futility of shooting distance.
The arrow makes a parable, however valuable in its way. Associate the correct assessment of the distance of the target we mean a real ballistic calculation. If the distance is beyond 30 meters, the going gets dilficile. But among the postulates of the sacred bow hunting is the lemma which prohibits absolutely upper distance shots, and then the whole thing is simplified. At 20 feet, optimum distance to target, the trajectory is almost a straight line. The aim of preaching instinctive shot with his body, not just eyes. And then sensitize key
sull'assetto body and not be tied to patterns of academic burden "school."
The hunting ground is always different, you will almost never support a smooth and flat. Here it becomes important to be flexible, as a fundamental axis sensing the shoulder joint that is configured when you bend the bow.
II arm of it, the hand that supports it (not squeezing), shoulder and forearm on the side of the cord must be rated by the gun carriage to the dock to set the correct action. It must always be dynamic, perfectly smooth and expanding. No matter
absolutely stuck in aim, because you have no viewfinder diverge. So how do you take? Simple. Just focus on the smallest portion of the visible target and fire.
Certainly the first time the results will not be glamorous, but the computer inside, calibrated the mechanism, gradually acquiring the information specialize gesture. And still fundamental to focus the action on the vertical plane, that emphasize the dynamic action-forward back in order to keep the correct level of force. This reduces the errors on the horizontal and scattered, only to top-down. If you set gid well, you should have already known this. This, in other words, it means that the only obstacle to be overcome related to the different distances to be covered and Training with your inner computer does the rest. It's just a matter of practice. The distance limit of 20 meters in actual hunting is important precisely because it poses special difficulties ballistic and heavy hunting arrow, with any hunting bow is thrown properly, will still have enough energy to penetrate the tissues to cause injury.
In simulated hunting for fun, we go much further and Papua up to 40-50 meters can also get a good grouping of pink can a good workout. In competitions such distances are common and it is extremely useful to alienate even greater distances. We
renderfi account rapiùamente importance buoyancy in the vertical plane and delfimportanza follow-through after the shot. On this we will return later.

setting body
An important detail: the upper body tilted forward as well as parallel arc. This will allow a very clear vision of your surroundings and there is direct communication with the diaphragm bersag1io without visual arc of the window (this is inevitable when you keep it straight).
Remember that the balance of posture is essential, and always be sought before setting the fire. Do not sacrifice energy for training, to discover the best set. It will always be what will allow expansion and effective control during and after release.
This style of shooting can of course customize it to specific anthropometric shooter. Call instinct can not be enclosed by a single scheme for all. The secret of its effectiveness is in its ability to adapt this, which takes as a fixed point of the dynamism and fluidity.
This much-vaunted dynamism thus reflects another of his specialties powerful: the speed of the shot. Pull quickly and repeatedly is part of the background of every hunter in simulated real-respecting. To achieve this it becomes even more necessary to train to shoot while fixing the concentration at the target, never taking. The operation
NOCK, a prelude to the shooting, has to become automatic and assolutantente no effect on the flow of action, aiming to hit the target. That makes it evident that it is necessary to learn to Nock the string but not looking ahead, toward the target.
To make this style your face there's nothing more exciting as the training of hunting simulated three-dimensional shapes and moving targets. But wandering through the woods, pulling fallen leaves, dead branches, spots of light (the classic roving) that for decades has been the best way to train off-season, is a great way to test your preparation before you take the field . A workout
can be extremely profitable implement casting distances, absolutely fantastic. This can be useful to be aware of its influence in on the act of shooting, in other words, close up, concentration and relaxation necessary for the good shot is often tainted by fear of attack and the act suffers a disruption that block the natural flow.
take over contempt and insecurity factors (such as not be sure you are aligned, the fear of surrender, to look bad in front of friends, etc..) Ruining everything and the automatic control of the gesture should be to hell because the rational brain takes over instinctive trying to analyze and correct. Unfortunately
our analytical brain can consider only one process at a time and over time, albeit brief, analysis of the entire chain of natural actions and reactions are inhibited.
To realize this, of course, the cure may be the shot in the long and very long distance.
If you put a pole at a hundred paces and try to steer the arrows impaled against a can of beer on its top, facing all as a game and your reason will be "a reason" for the fact that your level what is requested is beyond the human limit. You will be much more forgiving with yourself and with your doubts and uncertainties.
Tirerete just maybe a good time enjoying a flight of arrows integer that will last for at least two seconds.
Well, you pull too many arrows in freedom. Then go to fieldwork. Very unlikely to have fired the can, but not stupiùevi if one or two arrows have colpiùo the pole nearby. A miracle!
Do more. Try the two arrows on the ground further away (in the horizontal plane) scattered right and left and measured error. Probabiltnente be two or three feet, not more. Now reported this error to the distance that normally pull: this difference, compared to the classic distance at which you practice, corresponds to an error of a few centimeters more or less from the center. A very small difference, if you think the days not so fortunate few meters from where you make mistakes capiùa support of the target, or nearly so. Here's the answer: in case your computer relaxed interior perfectly handles the whole situation, and can make homes much larger than those supporreste. Clearly, the fact of knowing it will not cure your disease in a flash. But will point a way, anything but pessimistic, to be followed to solve your problems. Let it flow
instinct for a good time to park the arrogance of reason, and I surrender to the physicality of the act without comparing themselves to any model trying to be, not just appear, it is an interesting recipe that stress true not only for archery, but expresses its power in a very immediate through the application of this ancient discipline ... instinctive.
If you really manage to make you a reason, you will realize that they have everything you need and we have made a major breakthrough in terms of self-esteem and confidence. And that's what counts most.

The follow-through, this unknown
Tugging at long distances is more easily discover the mysteries of the follow-through. In fact it has always been explained in a rather cryptic. If you read on most instruction manuals chapter dedicated to him, it seems that between the phases of the shot, taken rigorously examined (posture, nock, tension, aiming, release and follow-through) ours is a kind of "ritual figure," a compelling final force required for self-examination of the conscious and the arrow runs toward the target. All this made the arch can still vibrating in his hand, the eye that scrutinizes the impact of the arrow, the hand of the rope gently on the shoulder relaxed.
To many students, indeed, everything is ordered, when he still can not understand the meaning because they do not fully able to organize coordinated action of the shot and when to shoot their arrows in series one after another in an attempt to drain quickly quiver seems the only unconscious goal to pursue. Well, this is the striking example in which the case is being confused with the effect. The follow-through occurs when the action shooting, which took place in accordance with the plans for the force, took place in the best way. It happens all by itself, when the concentration of those pulls is likely to "push" the arrow mentally throughout his dish to the center of the target, when the energy of the archer (not just the muscle) is projected in the act of wanted to hit the mark. It is therefore not a "bound set" of the sequence of the shot, but a direct consequence, the outsider, an action well done. To try it, the mental representation, idealization can really drive the arrow in its flight with the power of the mind after the issue is what is needed. From the outside, viewers will see a perfect follow-through.

[1] Bateson, G. Mind and Nature, Adelphi 1993; Mittelstaed, The analysis of behavior in terms of the control systems , New York, 1990.


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