Yellow is exciting. The data are numerous, but difficult to interpret. Many of them likely to emerge from future investigations, but already now it is possible to deduce logical interpretation, or at least rule out some hitherto considered possible. The
having to recreate, for a science fiction the possible circumstances of the attack and the fight was a very memorable experience. I dare say an "experiment" conducted archaeological without saving. The crew of the Discovery Channel and Brando Quilici Productions (more than fifteen members) has allowed the use of professional actors who acrobatically "played" the possible situations in weeks of continuous operation. The scenery, at 3200 meters high (obviously not turned the real place of discovery in order to avoid any possibility of pollution) in area and at the next like the killing site, has made an extremely realistic and has enabled us to "suspect" a series of hypotheses and testing of dynamic hard to evoke desk. I hate to think the effort of the poor (!) And other actors cinecittĂ enrolled in Val Venosta, formidable professionals dressed with extreme care, skin and reconstructed facilities, which have been heroically our requests and dozens of repetitions and reworkings of scenes and action that gradually there came to mind. In the documentary, there was also attended by two good archers FIARC of 06 Alps, who participated in a simulation of technological equipment with fatal shooting at long range. Their trial has demonstrated the difficulty of shooting at high altitude, rarefied atmosphere and wind on the ridge. Of course, the documentary shows a very short spot of these actions, the logic in a spectacular way to expose the possibilities and commenting on the degree of scientific probability. The implementation of some complex scenes has allowed me to see and participate in the difficult world of filmmaking, special effects and stunt filming. My job was to train underground actors likely to use weapons of Neolithic, axes, knives, spears and bows and arrows, of course. A frenzy of deadly arrows (in the scenes spectacular reminiscent of the fight) and close combat, can not deny that the study of the backstage film by Nils Gaup, Howard Hill and Kevin Costner I have been very helpful.
times Otzi, the Cultural Revolution

wanted to emphasize, however, this drama, as a prelude to the emergence of a humanity that - do not forget - has allowed the development of progress.

Speaking of the main theme, the scenes of the hypothesis of the death of Otzi subsequent chase were very interesting. The theory of the "lizard tail gambit" that explain very well was re-created, as well as those of close combat with the knife (replaced only in the sink in the foreground with a reproduction of an early plastic) made me tremble, not for fate of my blade of flint, but for the wonderful professional nonchalance with which these actors if they were waving in front of the face and another jumping from a rock!
theories about his death

Otzi's shoulder injury could be sufficient to legitimize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fatal blow, even if they are well-known cases where people suffering from bullet slow survive for long. One such theme is the Kennewick Man discovered in North America, dated 9200 years, with a spear stuck in the pelvis but is surrounded by bone tissue regeneration, or the woman 11,000 years ago the Grotto of St. Theodore, in Sicily, with traces of lithic projectile (probably a arrowheads) hit in the side and still survived the wound for a long time. Again the callus testifies. My experience of prehistoric hunting equipment, and those of bowhunters are in contact with which may be useful ... but to a certain point (I have not experienced a specific battles between humans and on this front ... fortunately the bibliography is poor ). The impression I get from the wound and the penetration of the arrow, compared to similar situations is the wild, however, that the wound might be or become fatal, even if times and circumstances known today are not able to support a verdict secure. In our case, these data are: the arrow has penetrated the tissues of the jacket and the shoulder, the scapula has broken through and stopped a few centimeters from the lung. Probably (and this will ensure the removal of the tip) the cusp severed tendons and an artery or a vein, and this can only mean the paralysis of the left arm and one death for progressive bacterial infection or rapid bleeding. Surely, the wound was very painful, caused a strong bleeding and a gradual weakening. I think very unlikely that Otzi was able to break the auction alone, given the position, and especially the extreme painfulness of the injury. That has not been found no broken auction close or it could mean a fall during his flight (I dare not think of the pain consequent) and a consequent loss of the auction to another place, or give rise to a divergent interpretation of the car mechanics: if the arrow that Otzi had been hit compound, with a distal foreshaft similar to that found in the quiver, the posting of the auction would have been possible with less pain;

Before the discovery of the peak in the shoulder, the assumptions about his death was related to three different theories: the most "excommunicated" today is the one that saw our tired from the long climb of Tisental fall asleep exhausted and be caught by a sudden and heavy snowfall. A death by gradual loss of the senses and the next exposure. The other went a stampede from the village and aggression (because of the weapons found unfinished and fractures to the ribs for the supposed right of the first X-ray Austria) is now partially re-evaluated. The first scholar who tried his hand with the mystery of Otzi, Konrad Spindler, in the proposed His scientific publications and was popularized in the book "the iceman" published in 1993. Professor Spindler, assuming a fight or a fight anyway, even if it was based on incomplete or incorrect information without knowing it, he sensed something very close to the truth. Other
(especially Johan Reinhard, an expert on South American mummies) hypothesized a "ritual sacrifice" to justify the fact that our ice man, apparently a leading figure in his community, was not stolen anything, especially the valuable copper ax . Today, in light of the discovery (and following of his injured right hand be interpreted as a stab wound to lytic Because of its irregular profile) to combat the violent death seems the most likely. It remains to interpret the condition. To summarize the most significant opportunities, the first one is an injury hunting accident. An ill-advised shot, and concealment of a corpse by the hunting companion guilty of negligent murder. Obviously it could not take home the things that Otzi.
seems to me weak (in the light of the perfection of the shot and other wounds on the body) but we can never exclude it.
The second assumes an accidental injury: Most of the allegations of otziologisti overseas about the possibility that Otzi was accidentally wounded by his arrow. One of his fall, while extracting the arrow, or the arrow that pierces the quiver is given and the victim's back. Archer and hunter, I think it is absolutely fantastic that an arrow "accidental" can pierce the thick fur coat, break through the scapula and penetrate deeply through the muscles of the shoulder, especially being in the position as it has been detected. Imaginative, though perhaps virtually possible. Experience as a modern hunting arrow (and those with the cusp of flint are certainly not less) can be dangerous if handled clumsily. A flight from an ambush on the tree (the tree-stand falls are the most common causes of hunting accidents in the U.S.) with the arrow over Nock can certainly be dangerous, but assume a scenario similar to the Iceman seems very risky, because of its characteristics would be found the first case of its kind.
The interpretation of self-injury in water on all sides. First of all because, as we reported previously, who examined the body of Otzi has discovered other injuries hurt, and the scientific evidence that they are considered fully consistent (and forensic scientists know their job). Gradually, the hypothesis that violent death has become increasingly realistic, Egarter found several wounds on the body, which reinforce the idea of close combat. The deep cut on his right palm and other bruises (not initially identified or attributed to damage of thawing and post-shipment) are classically defined as puncture wounds and cutting "autodifensive" against sharp weapons. Subsequent interpretations
also plan to violent situations: the stampede from the village attacked by enemies or predators, chase, injury and death in a hidden location (and therefore have to predict the recovery kit) or the murder by another pastor who wants to take possession of the flock of Otzi. Our severely wounded flees, hides (and hence ax is not stolen) but dies for injuries and the sudden drop in temperature.
A variant, significantly, describes a scenario is quite articulate and charming, "lizard tail gambit," as it is called by the U.S. led by Petr otziologisti Jandacek, is the theory that sees our attacked by a villain who wants to steal the precious ax copper, he is wounded in combat, being chased and then shot by the arrow, but still able to resist and escape planning a defensive strategy. Much like the chess-like strategy (the gambit of the lizard's tail, in which pedestrians are sacrificed to improve the defense and counterattack), he spreads some of his things in the vicinity, bow, quiver, backpack and precious ax as bait. Takes with him only his knife and birch container with hot coals and hides covered with snow, perhaps leaving a small glimmer of vision. The attacker, however, does not find it and the bad weather arrives. Otzi falls asleep and died from his injuries weakened into a stupor, freezing.
I believe that imagination and creativity might suggest infinite variations to the drama dell'Ă–tzaler Alp. It will be impossible to determine the true circumstances. The one thing (or at least there is no other evidence that might lead one to suppose otherwise) on which you are obviously working, it is his arrow wound, and on that, analytically and scientifically one can speculate. (VB)
The arrows of the quiver of Otzi

The peak in question, those found armed arrows in the quiver, are part of two rods broken in several places. Careful examination of the cracks do not seem the result of a fall (the other auctions are armed or not spikes intact, and the majority) but rather suggest arrows be "recovered" several times (the analysis of blood traces found up to 50 cm from the tip of the confirmation), then finally pull a target failure, and routes to work and to recycle valuable components. Could be arrows that have missed our flight, and he promptly recovered for reuse (Otzi had just finished material, but went with him all the tools needed to rebuild and assembly).
the cusp killer

forgot: reports interpreted by the amazing amount of archery accessories to suggest that Otzi was south of Alpine culture, because the arm cusps that the only two arrows in his quiver intact (if they are his and not collected during the flight) are belonging to 'cultural ensemble of the southern slopes of the Alps, then north Tyrolean peaks, then.
Moreover, even in the cusp shoulder, although shorter, is of the same type. It seems that the ancient Austria (Cultures of Cham and Altheim) prefers cusps base flat or slightly concave, without a central stalk. They, in the archaeological evidence, the vast majority. This characteristic, of cultural significance and not purely functional, differentiation and allows the classification of Otzi the bloody incident as the result of a fight between people of the south side of the Alps. On the other hand, the investigation of residues of food ingested by Otzi allowed with reasonable certainty to define the path taken by him, which began the beginning of the Venosta valley and went in the direction of the current Vernago artificial lake, then along the Tisental (Tisa valley) to the yoke of the Tisa, the "killing site" on the watershed between the tip el'Hauslabjoch Final, marking the border between north and south of the mountain ' Otzaler Alp.
This we can say with a good chance of Otzi the attackers were part of a cultural group "protoitalico. If the arrows in the quiver completed, that is, armed with leaflets, they were the property of ours, he may very likely be of the same ethnicity.
That said, the question remains on the small cusp. And here I summarize my uncertainties.
My goal today is to develop a predictive model that can help to interpret the accompanying ballistic (which are all that can be imagined) of those who hit our, set the standards for testing, do it, and wait for the data that may arise after the autopsy of the mummy to achieve a realistic result of comparison.
The fact is that the cusp is very poor. But still has penetrated 50 mm. tissue and broke through the left shoulder blade. And I do not know yet whether the impact has passed through tissue or other material, and the damage it has done anyway. the "cuspidina" is really very small, its weight close to 2 grams, similar in size and weight, for example, under certain cusp of Mali and Niger in the same period (see photo) and North African ones. The North African
cusps are characteristic of a particular cultural aspect of hunting with bows and methods are substantially different to those of alpine hunters, testified that the homogeneity of the findings, palaeoenvironmental studies which testify to the scarcity of wood to allow for the construction of high arches , cave paintings, etc.. The African Neolithic
uniform and in this respect is literally the case histories of its peak would still shoulder the size of that of Otzi among those with the greatest magnitude.
The North African Neolithic had weak arches, practiced the hunting of the big group game, and their killing was probably based on many arrows hitting the prey and weakened gradually.
Hence the question: strong bow and arrow from a "last chance" or bow girls, the "theory angry lover"?

last chance? Have been found in contexts also the oldest evidence of how, in emergency situations, the hunter "empty" his quiver against the target. If you like any good hunter worthy of respect, many arrows on his back door and between these there is dedicated to small game, in an extreme moment, having pulled his arrow quiver empty your best ... even with those of different vocations. In Denmark, at the Lake Vig, was found a beautiful rib of aurochs (Bos primigenius) Mesolithic arrowhead with a trapezoid (the classic transverse shearing, a trapezoid with the longer side that matches the profile of impact) stuck inside. It 's easy to imagine how that poor bison, already wounded by other arrows, about to defungere like a bull full of harpoons, has received even more in this arrow, also if not for him "in theory". The hunter has certainly drawn to him all the tirabile (I would have done so myself, hurt and angry with a buffalo in the water) not worrying about the "form" to think that evil in order (!) Would not do. Depending on your point of view ...
think that the cusp is the result of a "recovery" post earlier use comes from the fact that the size of the basis of its close proximity to other longer, the same period. Cusps "new" inscribed in a square-shaped (I mean the area of \u200b\u200b"live", ie without stem) I understand to be practically non-existent in burial contexts, where abound in those isosceles triangular area (width of base <>
General Bibliography:
Konrad Spindler, the iceman, translated by Joseph Cospito, Milan, New Practical Publishing 1998
Raffaele de Marinis, Joseph Bright, Otzi, the Iceman, Marsilio Editore, 1998
specification: Franco Rollo et al, Otzi Last Meals: DNA, Analysis of the intestinal content of the Neolithic Glacier Mummy from The Alps in "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 99, No.20, pp 12594-12599, October 1 2002
Various authors, the mummy of the Copper. New research on the Iceman, Proceedings of the international conference, Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, Bolzano, 1999
Paul Gostner, Eduard Egarter Vigl, insight: report of forensic Radiological Findings on the Iceman in "journal of Archaeological Science ", 29, No. 3, pp. 323-326, March 2002
James H. Dickson, Klaus Oeggl, Linda L. Handley, the return of Otzi, Le Scienze n.418 June 2003, pp.66-77 W. Oberhuber, Knapp R., 1997, The bow of the Tyrolean Iceman: a dendrocronological investigation by computed tomography. In S. Bortenschlager and K. Oeggl (eds): The Man in the Ice, vol. 4, pp. 63-67
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