Thursday, October 13, 2005

Boom Box Replacement Antenna

hunting with a bow in Italy

Law 968/77 frame identifies the bow as a legitimate tool for hunting. The parliament, in that distant year, made a decision to put art in Italy line with very few other countries. The story of the affair is something special to Giuseppe Pesenti, then president of the polygon of Bergamo, this is an opportunity to speak with Mr Andreotti, and convinced him to submit the proposal for the legitimacy hunts of the "minor", bow and hawk. It was the then Chairman of the Board to sign such recognition in the emerging framework law, which went "unnoticed" in a hot session of Parliament in August of '77. And Giuseppe Pesenti, all right, since it is considered the "father" of bowhunting Italian.
Since then the interest in hunting with a bow in our country has increased, although they were still a niche activity. If today we can count on a potential few thousand hunters, engaged or "peep" to discipline, in '77, the hunter with the bow was virtually nonexistent, except for those few fans (as Giuseppe Pesenti) who knew the United States and that the practice abroad. Incidentally, the Pesenti was close to her through one of the undisputed fathers of modern bowhunting, Fred Bear that in the '60s that represented the model for many American hunters, and that still represents a valid symbol or by a Morally and philosophically, around the world.
America counts millions of bow hunters, with specific rules and timetables that start early with respect to a firearm. It is a country with a culture different from our hunting, in many respects, as well as habitat and wildlife that are much closer to the philosophy of the wilderness that we read books on Conrad and Thoreau. Only two hundred years ago on the plains bison are hunted with a bow, and a hundred years ago in the forests of the west the natives still hunt white-tailed deer stationing twenty yards with his bow and arrows hidden by vegetation. The trapper who explored the frontier had more in common with the Indians than with the European culture from which they came, through a mechanism of imitation and adaptation of the immanence of the wild environment in which they moved. It is natural that after all this heritage has recently taken hold, with the pressure of a romantic and functional world-wide still 2 to 1 compared to the old continent. In the 30 U.S. states have already legalized hunting with a bow.
In our part of spoken language Hunting result of a different culture and complex, partly made of ancient traditions where hunting is a privilege of the rich and noble, in the modern part of evolved out of necessity after the war impoverishment, and some contemporary marred by political compromise economic equation-sport-hunting business. From the eighties was the terminus also an alternative vision, thanks to the spread of a certain communication, the dreams of the generation that grew and fed by movies, books, magazines and outdoor adventure overseas did sprout like concrete "wild" our ", between the symbolic forms which are well identified the bow and arrow in a hunting archaic. Today, very young hunters are turning to the bow and arrows, as well as many fans of arc, driven by curiosity (sometimes deep drive) looking for substantive responses to the relationship with nature in relation to their nature, difficult answers, perhaps impossible, but very intriguing.

Bowhunting is not just a different way of relating to the wild. The archer in the dark of the forest is not just a romantic image. More primitive hunting tool There are more forces at close contact. About bowhunting today knows that does not hunt to survive, he knows that his weapon is primitive and has big technical limitations and the wounding of game is the Absolute to Avoid, and then paradoxically prefer not to venture a shot rather than risk injury. Ethically, therefore targeting the extreme approach (which means the penetration of the alert, the real meaning of the protected wild whose receptors are not encoded in the manuals of anatomy) and most of the time to surrender ' final act (killing) to get a laugh in the face of his clumsiness. I can not explain the why of this real strong influence. Perhaps the hunt with a primitive instrument is a reference to which a particular individual responds only partially free from the consumerist and hedonistic principle, then automatically and internally subject to certain unwritten laws that have accompanied humanity in its infancy. I do not think this depends on the economy of the ballistic system (the arrows are very valuable and often self-built with love, one by one), sure that this conviction is rooted in, I found all the bow hunters, and especially those who have turned the bow after other experiences. A sort of humility induced by self-imposed restriction, which gives a higher value at the time, a "feel" closer to a model of ancestral man who is no longer a physical fact that potentially crosses with the ritual.

The lethality of the real arrow
bow hunters Hunter is a particularly sensitive, responsible and above all to prepare. His specialization is mandatory, because practice is a form of hunting itself autoselezionante itself (knowledge of the territory, 'Ethology and Animal Biology and the ability to manage themselves in the forms of hunting that provide an approach to the extreme prey) and because the effectiveness of the medium he uses is totally bound to his knowledge and sense of responsibility.
The effectiveness of the arc as a means of hunting big game is not in doubt, subject to compliance with the concepts on display. It is a type of ballistic effectiveness depends on factors other than the firearm. While a bullet fired from a rifle that has a speed to cause the arrest or immobilisation of the prey (regardless of the damaging power) due to kinetic energy, the arrow is provided with blades (which reaches an average speed ten times lower than the ball ) can "only" cause of fatal injuries due to bleeding as a result. In ballistic terms, has high killing power (power prejudices), but little or no stopping power (stopping power), especially with the big game. That's why the hunting technique itself must be adapted to lead to responsible hunting large mammals. In a medium ungulate (the size of the roe deer to those of) the vital area in which to strike (viewed from an angle with the axis perpendicular to the axis of sight of the body) varies from 15 to 40 cm in radius. In this area, and with this approach are the lungs, liver, heart. Hemorrhage produced in this area is always fast and deadly. The bullet wounded the primitive is always because of bleeding. The quality (meaning the "effectiveness") of the resulting wound hemorrhage is the number of vessels involved (through and torn by the bullet) and drainage of the wound, the time between death and the impact of game varies depending on this parameter and of the disturbance caused by hunter who has struck the blow. In other words, if the shot is well addressed in the vital area and if not raised any subsequent disturbance, occur for thirty minutes to sixty minutes for the bleeding out his effect. Statistically, up to 70/150 kg weight game, the journey from the moment of impact to the terminal does not exceed 100 feet, usually taken down and into waterways when present in vicinity.
E 'appropriate to distinguish between injuries that result in major hemorrhage and those affecting the immediate function of vital organs. Paradoxically, a heart with an arrow completely through may continue to perform its function for more intuitively too large and if the wild huntsman, who are disturbed by the scare, allow him to run for hundreds of meters. The key issue is then the stillness and silence that must follow for at least an hour hit.
The best feature of a stroke is always to be found in the amount of blood drained from his wounds, not from the states is aimed at single vital organ. At the same time, the best type of injury with high killing power and able to curb the flight or expulsion of the wild is the lung. With both lungs through a suddenly makes a double pneumothorax collapse and the animal (if not pressed by pursuers) freezes a few minutes, sometimes seconds after the impact because the blood is oxygenated more. The wounds to the heart, liver, they are always fatal, and function of blood vessels cut you a sure kill. Usually a wild animal has to pay about one third (35%) of its total weight in blood circulation to lose consciousness and die. The circulatory system of a mammal is running on a percentage roughly equal to 56 grams of blood per kg body weight (Badsworth, 1975). Consequently, for a deer by just one hundred kg hemorrhage was 980 grams of blood. E 'therefore the critical factor "speed". Proceeds faster than the bleeding, unless the wild journey takes from the moment of impact. The bullet in his early penetration also produces a small side effect of shock in the tissues immediately surrounding the cut. For an accurate analysis (Stinger, 1986) appear broken small blood vessels within a radius of 15 cm. the main wound that can be interpreted only as a shock impact. This shock has the effect of "numb" the area and "narcotize" the effect of penetration. The same is coming by chemical analysis of muscle tissue through which the bullet slow when there was no association with low amounts of adrenaline and endorphins, a feature increasingly found in exaggerated gunshot wounds.
This reasoning applies to more bullets with extremely sharp edge, peak profile and kinetics is determined to have momentum in the range considered.
from published studies (Brooke, Stinger, 1981) appears as the pain threshold in the wild is extremely higher than in humans. Generally speaking, the greater the size of the wild, more 'at the top it moves and greater resilience to occur in them. The higher the "cleaning" the wound (a bullet sharp) and the better the location of the stroke, is less easily reached this threshold of pain. Numerous examples of large wild pierced by an arrow which continue to burn (and that collapse after a few minutes for the bleeding) confirm that the human concept of pain as a factor absolutely not suitable for assessing this. An injury cut that corresponds to our description and that it affects vital organs can not easily be fatal because of the low percentage of damage to surrounding tissues, with the exception of abdominal wounds, which nearly always leads to death from sepsis (although it can occur days after the coup). However, the physiology of pain is always reflected in the human based on the nature of the wound, as saying that the effect of "psychological" effect of a cut even if the surface has events and reactions "not proportionate" to the actual intensity and severity of the injury . Not then need to consider the issue of injury in this regard "man-made" ... and it is wrong to humanize animals. Animals can not consciously have the fear of death, as long as nobody can prove otherwise. The configuration
neurological pain observed both among those wild animals that can not be measured only in clinical terms. Physiologically, the nerve endings that perceive pain are localized on the surface of the skin and bones. The vital organs (heart, liver, lungs and bowel) have very few if not some of them, such as those responsible for the nausea.

The game of choice for hunting bow is the big game, at least one more ... is praised. In America (apart from the difficult discipline of hunting wild turkey) with the bow hunt normally tailed deer, mule deer, wild goats, Bighorn (A version of our superdotato Mouflon) brown bears and Elk. In some states in North America and even Canada Moose and Caribou, and Grizzly Bears. They are in solitary hunts by stalking high (tree stand hunting) or preceded by the slow approach and dall'avvistamento (stalking). In Italy, where it is allowed, the boar is hunted in various forms (even in the traditional courts) and has proved its effectiveness without any discussion. In private, the arc has demonstrated its efficacy in the mouflon and red deer. But it must be said that even the small-game hunting in the company of the dog can be a good opportunity. Hunting with dogs is practical and the arc prehistoric and ancient (as documented by ex-Cantabrian cave paintings of Neolithic and Egyptian depictions) and despite the obvious difficulties (requires skill to hit the moving prey) is of great satisfaction. In southern Italy today is having a good result.

legislation allows the use of the bow hunting, but does not specify any rules. Regions and provinces prohibit the use of the bow or targeted at specific species, and so patchy, they do. In all these years nothing has been done in practice to draw a precise picture of the requirements and the specific preparation that the bow hunters must show in order to operate (or support) his rights. In other words, considering the significant fact that the bow and arrow are not classified as weapons (by legislation) anyone in possession of a hunting license can go to the armory or in a sporting goods store, buy a bow and go there to hunt.
the light of its technical features and strict ethical standards to which should be accompanied, hunting with bow therefore requires a strong awareness and preparation in advance. Whether it is to ask a traditional hunter, whether (and even more so) to approach it the archer. It is for this reason that in 1990 was born on Lost Legacy, by an association that fixed base of operations in Todi, in reserve Agrincontri, began a program of education to hunt with a bow. The association, although they can not count on a significant number of associates from that time taken official contacts with the political-institutional bodies to raise awareness of the problem. In 1995 he obtained official recognition from the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF), an international organization headquartered in place to protect America's hunting with a bow, and started from 96 courses internationally recognized IBEP (International Bowhunter Education Program) . These courses, lasting 14 hours, are modulated on technical and ethical, it places great emphasis on preparation for hunting safety and ethics. In most U.S. states require this certification to hunt with a bow, as well as South Africa and many states in recent times, even Europeans, who have made the education system on that model Journal (the last case is Hungary).
Recently Lost Legacy has divided into three geographic areas its action, the North is home to Bologna (where she was born), in middle and south of Rome and Salerno. It is from this last area that created the greatest hope and the rewards are coming: the hunting department of the Province of Salerno, as well as hunters, are collaborating in a very intense way to define standard experimental both legal and practical. A first step which, if well targeted, could become the subject of study and inspiration for other areas. It 'project in fact, with the participation of the Province and some municipalities in the territory of the Vallo di Diano, the establishment of a school for the disciplines in which hunting in a systematic way to introduce the teaching of courses offered by the Association to provide them with official recognition .
hunting with bow and sampling system with low environmental impact, never as the areas surrounding the parks (and the parks themselves) can benefit from it, if properly regulated and structured. Are specific actions in progress to explore the possibility of creating professional hunters to hunt with a bow selection, together with a program that provides for the creation of specialized operators in the management of ungulates (in this case the boar). Our association has prepared a large-scale action that will be operational shortly.
The thing I wonder most, in the light of two conferences organized in the territory, training courses and meetings, is the extraordinary response of traditional hunters. The same hunting organizations have shown a particular sensitivity in supporting this proposal. The bow hunting may perhaps become a "model" management, or at least a system for connecting components to an application management techniques more and more intense involvement between man and land through hunting.

Vittorio Brizzi

Bibliography useful

Brizzi - Zani, The Book of the hunter with a bow, publishers Greentime Spa, Bologna 2003
Brizzi, A bow hunting, planetarium editions, Bologna 1993
Badsworth , Stinger, - NBEF Educational Papers, 1975
Brooke, Stinger-NBEF Educational Papers, 1981


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