Situation in Italy
Where we are and how we can make
In 2007, in Campania, the town of Padula (SA) has recycled 67.97% of its waste ranks first in southern Italy in the premium " Towns Riciclone 2007 "sponsored by the Environmental League , now come to the seventh edition. With him 40 other municipalities in Campania, and in all municipalities in the south, the ranking make up two-thirds. This shows that the bells are not secondary citizens in attention to the environment.
Unfortunately, the problems of these days the town of Naples, Caserta and its province have damaged the image of the entire region and its citizens.
What happened in Naples, however, gave us a great lesson, showing Italy and the world, that waste we produce and there are mountains! It 'is important that we all recognize that what we throw away every day is a waste of our society and our modern lifestyle.
The word " refusal " expresses it perfectly the concept. A process or activity that produces r ifiuto and 'inefficient process .
Every year in Italy are in fact produced some 130 million tonnes of waste per capita than 500kg/anno. They are divided mainly in urban waste (about 30m tons), packaging (about 74mln ton), and Special Waste (industrial processing and waste incineration). Overall, they recycle only about 30%.
If we try to imagine our society concentrated on an island in a lake, from which he could leave, the question "waste" would be on top of our economy. Throwing waste into the water, quickly kill the fish which we live. Buried in the ground, surfacing in a generation, reducing space for cultivation, burning them, we would still dispose of toxic ash.
The only way that we would have to live on that island and ' completely recycling all waste .
After all, even today, there are some realities that want a world where recycling and ' complete. Some cities such as we have seen, are genuinely committed to the issue and implement such collected door-to-door. With this system, citizens and businesses can easily recyclable and all that 'gives separately. Waste in the trash, ending only those products and packaging that are not recyclable. For these differences is the industry in the future must assume responsibility not to produce them.
The thing that we lose sight of is that if we make the case for products that can not be recycled we see that they are totally chemical derivatives (rubber and plastics, powders, liquids, acids, benzene aggregates, etc.) that have been changed that in the molecular structure by man. Nature indeed does not produce unnecessary waste . All that refuse its organizations, such as droppings, leaves and fallen branches, dead plants and animals, is completely absorbed and transformed into a resource for the biosphere, and in a very short time.
This means, once again, that humans alter the nature of which 'not born for the good of nature, but a necessity for the survival of his race, not accepting conditions.
We understand that reality is another. We do not live in an infinite space, but in a ball the size of well-known. Burying or burning our waste does not eliminate the problem, but simply refers to the future generations .
Also we all have the task of imagining and directing the company in which recycling and reuse policies should be the base industry.
Anything that you can not reuse, recycle or compost it should not be produced will be consumed (purchased) .
E 'is thanks to the cooperation between the good will of citizens aware of the production units that will eliminate this problem completely.
Landfill (which produce greenhouse gases and should be monitored for 30 years) and incinerators (which produce dioxin as carcinogenic and a ton of toxic ash waste every 3!) Are not a solution the problem, but a temporary remedy to remove quickly for our own good and that of the entire biosphere to which we belong.
Some tips and useful info s :
to make some reference to reduce the waste of potentially recyclable materials, there are little things that we can all do with simplicity:
shop smart and critical consumption
Much of what we buy there are required. Once open, advanced, certain foods are thrown. On average, 15% of our household waste is food wasted
When we buy an item for something we prefer of long life and we loved the guarantee (do not store things "all at 1 €). maybe spend a few € more but we gain in lifetime of the object. Avoid disposable products.
prefer foods and products contained in recyclable packaging or without packaging if possible (or redundant bags) as returnable, reusable. We drink our tap water. Chiediamone in case, the local characteristics of the ASL.
The packages made of glass or metal are perfect (recyclable materials) nor those of paper, recyclable and biodegradable, however, quickly.
Organic waste
These are about 30% of our garbage. Are very important because many cities have turned into compost for fertilizer and ethanol used as fuel. They are 100% recyclable and indeed, very useful to the ecosystem that produced them. Would be a waste to throw them really useless. To pick just a sealed plastic bins in a simple seal.
Separate collection
is not as difficult as it seems. Each municipality now provides you with a procedure to recycle your waste.
you need is a couple of bags at home as well as the ordinary one where you put paper, plastic, tin, glass.
With a careful and informed purchase, avoiding waste and with very little effort we can recycle just about everything in the separation of everything that we throw away every day:
Paper and Cardboard - All cities in Italy participating in the recycling of paper! Many municipalities recycle the so-called "laminated materials, which are the containers made from paper and plastic / aluminum on the back of the pack with the recycling symbol in CA (as juice and milk to understand!)
plastic packaging and polystyrene - unfortunately take a big part of our garbage, but 80% of cases are recyclable, and when they are no longer are transformed into "beautiful" chairs or sweaters Fleece
glass and cans - These materials can be recycled indefinitely, and this means that, in their second, third, ... use do not lose any of their mechanical containment and storage!
Green and organic - Any waste food (bones, skins, scrap, ...) and your garden (such as leaves, branches, ...), and everything that 'organic (carbon based). Many countries of Italy they recycle, but otherwise you can make your compost at home.
clothing, shoes, bags - You should find around large gray or yellow bins (such as those of "Caritas", but where 'you can only put clothes in "good" condition).
expired drugs - Find containers near the pharmacy, or ask your pharmacist.
batteries are exhausted - unfortunately this item can not 'be recycled but it' s all-important throw it inside the containers provided. Do not throw it into trash. When drilling the outer casing leak destructive acids is very harmful to the environment, even if placed in the same landfill.
wood and sawdust - also type cabinets or desks or the like. Can be brought to your "Ecocentro" closer. They are very useful to be turned into chipboard or plywood.
Electronics - More and more important because we produce more and more (about 30 million PCs are thrown away each year!). Can also bear this nell'ecocentro citizen.
A tip is, if you're uncertain, do not hesitate to ask your community what are the materials that are recycled near you and where you can bring those who do not have a separate bin. Definitely will indicate a "Ecocentro" zone, and 'waste collection area, very often close to the incinerator. Collect all waste in different ways (separate source) and where they must also be granted the so-called bulk waste.
The biggest battle we must fight against the message today is that more and more pervasive in our economy that is more consumption and more you are happy. waste, however, are the practical test that this message is wrong. The enemies we fight today are not the Taliban or the Iranians or the communists, are dioxin , the GHG the acid rain ... They are the ones that really kill! In short, our ignorance and selfishness.
The hope that remains for the 21st century is that enters the collective mentality that recycling and reuse are the only possible policy in our society . Sooner or later we run out of space for landfills and has saturated the air of toxic fumes.
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