Facts and VI report to the customer ... all together this time. just as I turn off the butt end of the video Cassinelli. I turn around in his hands the print of its pdf, the one who calls the proposal version 2.0. I look at him for ennessima time and I plan to revise the video. And certain 'that the document and' the classic for this sort of thing ... For example
ART. 2 [snip] 2. After paragraph 4 of Article A law March 7, 2001, No 62, is inserted the following paragraph 5: "5. In the cases referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4, letter a), the validity of the registration of the editorial product made of paper product is extended to the editorial published on the Internet provided it designates the details in-house ' .
What we say is not 'the most digestible of the majority of Italians including me but it' s also true that the commentators are just for this, even though they often serve a commentator to explain what commentators say. Pero 'I must say that even a poor cyberdetective loser like me something to catch of this proposal, for one thing on which also stresses the Cassinelli, include this:
ART. 3. 1. Article 16 of Law February 8, 1948, No 47 is entirely replaced by the following: "Art. 16 (Non-registration) - 1. Whoever undertakes the publication of a magazine without editorial product that was originally registered under Article. 5, where required, shall be punished with administrative penalty of up to € 500. 2. The same penalty applies to anyone who publishes an editorial product is not regular, which is not the name of the publisher nor the printer or in which they are listed in a manner the truth. "
And what does Article 16 of Law February 8, 1948?
Act Feb. 8, 1948, No 47 16 - (underground press) Whoever undertakes the publication of a newspaper or other periodical that has been carried out without the registration required by Article. 5, shall be punished with imprisonment up to two years or a fine of up to 500,000 pounds. The same penalty applies to anyone who does not publish a printed journal, from which it is not the name of the publisher nor the printer or in which they are listed in a manner inconsistent with the truth.
And the good Cassinelli! It is presented as a potential killer of bloggers and instead turned the gun at the old article criticatissimo press law illegal and tends his finger on the trigger. The villain, in the best tradition of yellow American classic, is the plot twist and we think that perhaps now is not 'as bad as we thought. Among other things, and 'communicative, friendly, available, as available in the first person who is participating in the ongoing discussion on Facebook, answering questions and requests for clarification. Focuses on "underground press" to be replaced citing the case Ruta (of which I have mentioned in previous report) with a shocked tone. Damn nice and polite ... Holy shit! I I have to shake off the "Stockholm syndrome" that is me numb, and my assignment 'of defend bloggers. Do I have a professional duty to be wary. I repeat several times the magic mantra - "Timaeus gives Danaos et ferentes" - and instantly take back control so much of me to remind me that it 's time to light another cigarette. But the articles on the Internet in general and amateur sites and blogs in particular they say? As a synthesis rather anodyne begin to see an article by Step Computer
Article Link Point Computer
Then you should know that a central point of debate on the proposal Cassinelli and 'what what draws the line between an amateur site also some success and that of an "entrepreneurial" and here that the exchange of views and 'very lively but civilized. Facebook In those actively involved and presumably also the "silent" are divided into two factions do not conflict with each other. We say that a certain number , perhaps slightly lower but I have not counted, sees very positively and with great confidence, openness to debate the credibility of Cassinelli, other grooming carefully all the implications of his words and offer excellent grip in case scenarios real. Here you should do the job of copy and paste and edited summary of the parties not to mangle the meaning of the interventions that truly goes beyond the talents of a mere "private eye" as in "Bloggers guard." Pero 'read the next page. Can 'be regarded as emblematic of the most' skeptics.
Valentino Spataro writes ...
Indeed when you make a rule, it must necessarily draw a line drawn, and inevitably you can 'harm those who are just on this side and beyond 'the border. In the world of digital technology this 'gray area' can be quite large . And the gray area corresponds to the potential development sites and blogs that are growing, perhaps because ' born as unassuming individual initiative, we want you to find talent or luck to have groped a success that stimulates the entrepreneurial enterprise. And in this current economic situation we know, would affect the economy in general and not only to the Internet. Exactly as I said and repeated in the previous installments, and this' a dirty history. A yellow that despite the twists and special effects American, and 'a thriller where the detective must follow Italian thin and almost invisible trails that branch off into an infinite' of the side streets. Where the investigator, rather than stalking, to read an endless' of paperwork. Where the facts and opinions come together continuously in a game where the word "virtual" becomes the real ... and where a poor third-rate private detective like your Poison Romano, rather than use the revolver, should drink lots of coffee 'and smoking tons of cigarettes.

Link to Blog Cassinelli
Link to pdf of its current proposal
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