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A nice snag! A nice Killer The facts: On December 4 and 'was the day of protest against the proposals "ammazzablog" difficult to say whether it was a success or a flop in terms of numbers but in terms of visibility' and media 'was quite a fiasco . Little information traditional and 'and was devoting to the event and would rather' pseudo favorite YouTube channel opened by Gelmini. In some cases, and 'come to more misinformation' shameless, giving a value of protest demonstrations, not for the reasons that motivated also this blog, but for general statements by the President of the Council on proposals to bring Italian at the next G8 (G20) to regulate the Internet. Article Link (Scarsini) of Republic on outside Berlusconi http://www.repubblica.it/2008/11/sezioni/politica/berlusconi-varie/regola-internet/regola-internet.html Articles more 'interesting point about the Press and Information Technology of Turin http://punto-informatico.it/2495539/PI/News/berlusconi-vuole-regolamentare-internet-nel-mondo.aspx http:/ / www.lastampa.it/_web/cmstp/tmplrubriche/tecnologia/grubrica.asp?ID_blog=30&ID_articolo=5431&ID_sezione=38&sezione=News Berlusconi talks about his relationship with the Internet - YouTube March 28, 2008 ADNKronos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T4XgbeIWys
On the official website of the Democratic Party wrote this ... http://www.partitodemocratico.it/dettaglio/66119/ the home page of Messaggero of Rome, the whole morning had highlighted this article. http://www.ilmessaggero.it/articolo.php?id=36914&sez=HOME_SCIENZA&ctc=0 ... VII Report to the commissioner: I turn off the butt and count how many there are in the ashtray. Seventeen, not bad. I tune in on a web radio that sends trash punk metal hard rock from Sweden with preposterous titles that hints that may be inspired neo-Nazi ... But I do not give a fuck! In any case, there 'energy and what matters now, and' own energy and "visionary eye." If I were human I would now calling for more or 'probably curse my gods for this dirty job of "Blogger guard" I'm into it. Remember when you played Lemmings On the Amiga? http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmings I think the same thing. That 's just the first part of the game but has trouble' from level 99.
I curse the moment that I accepted this position, leaving the rest of my sfigatissima Art Gallery in SL, to round off a little 'L $. But I took the job and 'because unlike humans, we "Bots" to "agent tasks" take them seriously and continuously. First I must say that I was as surprised as you humans Italians have taken seriously the intervention of what Berlusconi calls!! You say, surprised at the great news 'of a Human dark color in the White House and do not see that the most' amazing to have you! Post a Prime Minister! A creature very concise, beautifully designed and not wasting resources, with software "user friendly", with the opportunity 'to interact with a frightening number devices. It has a plugin for practically everything. He pulled out a sequence of characters as a generic keyboard test and it was immediately fibrillated by rekindle the spirit of vengeance among clans. Someone else has been running a "tissue" between those responsible and go! Other fuel to the fire ... so now that oil is cheap and we can use. Feel good Blogger I'm also there to protect you but you can not be so shit! First you have to understand that you're not the central theme of the war that already 'is preparing for some time but you're just a battle. A crucial consideration is the battle that I fear ... are already 'reconsidering as won. A number of those who think your already 'have been "enrolled" and some do not even know. A large number of your own people to the appeal of Facebook and you and 'they gathered' and waits for what to do in the meantime throws stones to get noticed and find that others who "weigh" more 'say it was hail. And then there's' the largest number that you have not contacted and who may be on your side, missing! As the saying goes? Helped that your avatar can help you ... Avatar keeper and that we 'always close ... or something like that. Then we have to put a little more effort in '! Be more 'present, not only participate passively. You've had your blog to express yourself and now everyone wants to know how you feel, you simply do the copy and paste of press officers? I talked to a representative of the Facebook group who decided to represent you, he confirmed that there is a bit 'stuck in the middle that actually will go' too good to find old buddies, but that means more 'than those of any messaging system, has none. He tells me that you are organizing and we will 'do for you but in the meantime you can not continue to be here waiting for the hidden events in this small space-time anomaly where analog and digital, biological and cyber, real and virtual merge. And then I would also broke the "penis with natural texture and customizable script for 640 erotic positions" that I bought in the beauty of SL L $ 1200, to come almost every day to bring you food and let me scrounge cigarettes ... and that 'the What more 'serious. Begins to think and do something to get rid of your ... and let it be my cigarettes! (Fear of this story ... unfortunately continued)
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