Bow and arrow and instinct
"One day, Drona, to put his students to the test, a mock
eagle mounted atop a long pole.
pupils at his command would have to detach the head from the body with an arrow.
She explained: 'you tell me what you see when you take aim '.
began by Yudhisthira, who explained: I see you, that tree, its branches
...'. Drona .- shook his head and said,' Enough, enough!
Mahabharata, review RKNaravan, 1977.
rilerimento talk about instinct in action or behavior that is not directly linked to self-preservation and reproduction, and the perpetuation the species, it sounds weird.
In nature, instinctive behaviors, those fixed forms that characterize the species of animal (and human) are genetically determined in a direct way. These
affected in a limited environment and its influences. There is a portion of behavior that is not genetically transmitted and that of the learned behavior, a phenomenon very "cultural".
In this case, the genetic control mediated primarily by the ability to learn and secondly, if they exist, from the learning channels that orient to certain stimuli or confine within certain time intervals (see imprint).
Here, in the case of learned behaviors, Analysis should move the target from the event to its behavioral determinants reasons.
The great chain of human activity in which the instinct (in the broadest sense) directs the game is composed of systems of action-reaction coming from the legacy of prehistoric human activity in which the animal was rather than rational behavior by all those artificial which are shaped according to adaptation to the environment during evolution. Instinctive behavior,
directly influenced by emotions, is a language that speaks to us from the depths. Some events are instinctive for us usual, as some reactions to danger and to protect our progeny, the mechanism of courtship.
But the chain is also made by rings made of events in action, the environment and property, many of which have gradually weakened with the impoverishment of the senses (which were at the dawn of our evolution the animal component more valuable to the defense and hunting) and only some of them occasionally emerge in us.
happens when they leave us stunned and confused, often disoriented. The differentiation between purely instinctive and acquired action for adaptation to the environment, and its changing circumstances, which gradually becomes natural and transmittable, often fades as well as its meaning. We are in fact hybrid animals.
pure instinct you can only see one of the beasts, assisting with a leopard cub that exercising at a hunting "large" while his mother watches him closely and observing the many miracles and actions that appear in nature documentaries.
For a hunter's instinct is to reclaim part of that, to compete with the wild
, the lost dimension that allows the dehumanization necessary to its relocation in nature and the environment.
When is a component becomes instinctive, in other words, when it happens that a pattern of actions developed as a function of baseline need to become instinctive techniques to shareholders with Transmissible genes? On this front, we still know very little. However, it is possible that certain attitudes of adaptation to develop a mechanism of natural selection in which the holders of the solution to the problem (and therefore survive) tramandino to their posterity those skills / abilities that enable them to survive in the environment or to turn his adversity . A sort of adjustment to the genetic predisposition to learn, which can also be lost once the environment (and the selection you are} amended and no longer requires these characteristics.
The philosopher and anthropologist Bateson speaks of two categories of behavioral mechanisms and active production that can reconnect almost all human actions: the calibration and feedback.
are both on controlled by the brain and produced by the body, both acquired from the input and both cause a reaction in our muscles in our actions. There are therefore two methods of improvement of adaptive action. In our case, we see in the report related to the strike from a distance.
calibration results from the analysis in the strict sense of the senses and the instinctive part of the brain. In practice it does not analyze the processes one by one, but is expressed in a reaction that is often a direct action of the body very quickly.
is gradually refined through practice, repetition, with the unconscious assimilation of the variables. The key feature of this Calibration is the necessary training time to ensure that it become effective, error-proof (only on a large number of mistakes it is to establish a valid calibration process), but at the same time will be extremely adaptable to different circumstances and can achieve amazing goals. Its only limitation is the energy required to be used to obtain adequate experience to avoid mistakes. Learning a manual activity is something like a sort of gradual unconscious meaning of an operation repeated several times.
The carpenter nailing boards in an efficient and ergonomic advantage of a workout because of thousands of repetitions and corrections, but does not think raises the hammer and hits the nail. We can not speak of carpentry instinctive, but if the carpentry in the very long time to become a key focus for the conservation of the human species, individuals do not survive the carpenter carpenters and then probably become a transmitter of selected genes. Instinct for its future generations, individuals would be able to drive nails with a reduced training due to genetic predisposition to learning the art in
well-defined time windows.
We are faced therefore with natural activities (the place that does not require the use of reason), some of which may become part of the genetic heritage of transmissible instincts, instead of other lower category that do not. A process
sure instinct, and then calibrated and walking: the child, when he stops walking on all fours and learns to walk at two, he does after falls and slips. The child, growing up, instinctively learns to walk. Although his parents help him, in fact he does not have a great need, they do not teach him anything. The ontogenetic mechanism is alone and is suggestive as it duplicates the phylogeny of primate hominid bipedalism that makes her, in a very short time.
Feedback is a process governed by the rational component of the human brain. Generally mediated by systems mechanistic and units, which are helpful and often become the backbone of the mechanism in which the rational mind to acquire a given time has the need to process information in a linear process (the starting point must be uniquely determined as well as the boundary conditions) and leads to the result by a correction of progressive and accomplished in small steps.
The accuracy of the results obtained with the feedback is very high and depending on the amount of variables involved and the precise knowledge of them. The feedback system is scientific and "Galileo" to all intents and purposes identified parameters, the process can be replicated and the result is virtually guaranteed. The feedback to
human activity, not animal, because the result of a cognitive mechanism entirely governed by reason.
But what does all this with archery?
Today, archery is practiced in two ways, of course, fundamental to the outside there is a glorification of technology: arches dating of pulleys (the compound) that greatly expand the effort is intended to allow a more comfortable, along with devices
sight (sight pin, sight and Visette) that allow an alignment (after appropriate calibration) can in the center of the target without knowing the distance. The other form, called instinctive, is followed by those who love traditional equipment, basic and primitive and admittedly it does not happen with collimation (no viewfinder and the other trappings to facilitate or induce). In effect, the controversy which can be observed on the race tracks and rallies that provide for both specialties is often what is expressed by doubt, sometimes legally, that whoever takes over the target in all respects with the tip aimed the arrow on a false purpose, with some other bizarre combination of external references in the center of the target you must hit. It comes to style and borders on moral philosophy. The "pure" disdain the charges to target. In the voltage is only competitive race, the anxiety for the comparison with others. The
target is a sheet of paper or a three-dimensional shape in the shape of wild, distances, even if unknown, however, included in a range that goes from 5 to 50 meters, are proportional to the size of life corresponding to the maximum score achievable. The evaluation of the distance, if you aim with the bow technology (0 for those who "bara" and seizing references coincide with the tip of the arrow), is critical only by virtue of the score.
In hunting, the situation is completely different.
First of all the distances are smaller, and many more, on average, then the voltage is extremely high and more opportunities for the bow are monstrously rare. Emotion is a funny thing. Evidently, the feedback mechanism is the shooting as those specialties that involve objective aims, the goal and collimation. Human intervention is a recurring weapon-target object. The first hit leads to a result, by which humans modified instrumental apparatus target or setting the structure, up to the (system calibration) of the target in its center. Getting in the race with well-calibrated equipment and a proper training is essential.
The error to be corrected (the information that must be used) is the difference between the aims of the viewfinder system and the direction of the target, the greater the severity of the correction factor (function of distance and mass of the arrow). In practice this adjustment is the key to hit the target in situations similar to each other. Still in training may be that the athlete often have to travel this circuit: receiving the news of the error, fix it, receive the news of a minor error 0 zero and finally release the arrow.
In this way, the archer, in the calculations is aware that the next round, does not report news or information about what occurred on the first lap. The only information is the error on that specific point. He does not need to change himself.
calibrated mechanism is completely different for the archer to aim and release the arrow unique, does not have time to correct your aim before release.
True-strain-release is a single action, whose result (target colpiùo to no) information must be reported as the next shooting. And the whole operation must be improved, the object information is then the whole operation.
The new shooting the archer has to calculate (and does so unconsciously) its action based on information about the location of the new target and on the experience in previous shots, and especially on their outcome. The differences between the shots made and their results are kinesthetic stimulation needed to face new situations of fire. The refinement of perceptions (Environment, light, contrast, wind, height differences) and refines the shooter makes it effective, the price of such training.
In summary, archer aiming simply runs its course cybernetic a number of separate times, and who instinctively pulls must gradually acquire their skills to build, introducing the subsequent experiences in
those that have already been made. Every shot is the product of a "new archer, calibrated by past experience. The traditional
shot was created with the traditional bow, that is simple and essential part of prehistory and the beginning of history. The vision that makes her how to shoot instinctively, sometimes misleading term as it is seen.
To analyze how there can be a model of instinctive shooting calibrated, you can get lost in a sea of \u200b\u200buncertainty. In effect, from what has been written, the instinctive shooting is a shooting holistic tout court that involves the entire body from the kinesthetic point of view, which does not break the action in separate stages on which to act retrospectively, which incorporates in itself the machine (the arch becomes a means of propelling a bullet, replace the arm that throws a stone or a spear) and is optimized with a lot of practice. The adaptation of the body-propulsion system, combined perceptions can (proprioception) buoyancy adjusted in subsequent documents stored in the memory of gestures, identify it as a process of recursive self-learning how to walk, run to work with their hands on the matter. Then call this
archery "instinctive" is perhaps an exaggeration semantics, but it suggests the immediacy with its essence. It could be discussed as part of the prey instinct heritage of our species and II as well the "strike at a distance". In this respect, shoot the arrow with the body without the intermediation of reason that takes advantage of corrective feedback, with practice on their mistakes, it could barely be seen as the extreme development of the predatory act consistent with the behavioral expression hunting.
No objective it seeks
The calculation assumes instinctive shooting The absolute lack of aims and means of objective assessment of the futility of shooting distance.
The arrow makes a parable, however valuable in its way. Associate the correct assessment of the distance of the target we mean a real ballistic calculation. If the distance is beyond 30 meters, the going gets dilficile. But among the postulates of the sacred bow hunting is the lemma which prohibits absolutely upper distance shots, and then the whole thing is simplified. At 20 feet, optimum distance to target, the trajectory is almost a straight line. The aim of preaching instinctive shot with his body, not just eyes. And then sensitize key
sull'assetto body and not be tied to patterns of academic burden "school."
The hunting ground is always different, you will almost never support a smooth and flat. Here it becomes important to be flexible, as a fundamental axis sensing the shoulder joint that is configured when you bend the bow.
II arm of it, the hand that supports it (not squeezing), shoulder and forearm on the side of the cord must be rated by the gun carriage to the dock to set the correct action. It must always be dynamic, perfectly smooth and expanding. No matter
absolutely stuck in aim, because you have no viewfinder diverge. So how do you take? Simple. Just focus on the smallest portion of the visible target and fire.
Certainly the first time the results will not be glamorous, but the computer inside, calibrated the mechanism, gradually acquiring the information specialize gesture. And still fundamental to focus the action on the vertical plane, that emphasize the dynamic action-forward back in order to keep the correct level of force. This reduces the errors on the horizontal and scattered, only to top-down. If you set gid well, you should have already known this. This, in other words, it means that the only obstacle to be overcome related to the different distances to be covered and Training with your inner computer does the rest. It's just a matter of practice. The distance limit of 20 meters in actual hunting is important precisely because it poses special difficulties ballistic and heavy hunting arrow, with any hunting bow is thrown properly, will still have enough energy to penetrate the tissues to cause injury.
In simulated hunting for fun, we go much further and Papua up to 40-50 meters can also get a good grouping of pink can a good workout. In competitions such distances are common and it is extremely useful to alienate even greater distances. We
renderfi account rapiùamente importance buoyancy in the vertical plane and delfimportanza follow-through after the shot. On this we will return later.
setting body
An important detail: the upper body tilted forward as well as parallel arc. This will allow a very clear vision of your surroundings and there is direct communication with the diaphragm bersag1io without visual arc of the window (this is inevitable when you keep it straight).
Remember that the balance of posture is essential, and always be sought before setting the fire. Do not sacrifice energy for training, to discover the best set. It will always be what will allow expansion and effective control during and after release.
This style of shooting can of course customize it to specific anthropometric shooter. Call instinct can not be enclosed by a single scheme for all. The secret of its effectiveness is in its ability to adapt this, which takes as a fixed point of the dynamism and fluidity.
This much-vaunted dynamism thus reflects another of his specialties powerful: the speed of the shot. Pull quickly and repeatedly is part of the background of every hunter in simulated real-respecting. To achieve this it becomes even more necessary to train to shoot while fixing the concentration at the target, never taking. The operation
NOCK, a prelude to the shooting, has to become automatic and assolutantente no effect on the flow of action, aiming to hit the target. That makes it evident that it is necessary to learn to Nock the string but not looking ahead, toward the target.
To make this style your face there's nothing more exciting as the training of hunting simulated three-dimensional shapes and moving targets. But wandering through the woods, pulling fallen leaves, dead branches, spots of light (the classic roving) that for decades has been the best way to train off-season, is a great way to test your preparation before you take the field . A workout
can be extremely profitable implement casting distances, absolutely fantastic. This can be useful to be aware of its influence in on the act of shooting, in other words, close up, concentration and relaxation necessary for the good shot is often tainted by fear of attack and the act suffers a disruption that block the natural flow.
take over contempt and insecurity factors (such as not be sure you are aligned, the fear of surrender, to look bad in front of friends, etc..) Ruining everything and the automatic control of the gesture should be to hell because the rational brain takes over instinctive trying to analyze and correct. Unfortunately
our analytical brain can consider only one process at a time and over time, albeit brief, analysis of the entire chain of natural actions and reactions are inhibited.
To realize this, of course, the cure may be the shot in the long and very long distance.
If you put a pole at a hundred paces and try to steer the arrows impaled against a can of beer on its top, facing all as a game and your reason will be "a reason" for the fact that your level what is requested is beyond the human limit. You will be much more forgiving with yourself and with your doubts and uncertainties.
Tirerete just maybe a good time enjoying a flight of arrows integer that will last for at least two seconds.
Well, you pull too many arrows in freedom. Then go to fieldwork. Very unlikely to have fired the can, but not stupiùevi if one or two arrows have colpiùo the pole nearby. A miracle!
Do more. Try the two arrows on the ground further away (in the horizontal plane) scattered right and left and measured error. Probabiltnente be two or three feet, not more. Now reported this error to the distance that normally pull: this difference, compared to the classic distance at which you practice, corresponds to an error of a few centimeters more or less from the center. A very small difference, if you think the days not so fortunate few meters from where you make mistakes capiùa support of the target, or nearly so. Here's the answer: in case your computer relaxed interior perfectly handles the whole situation, and can make homes much larger than those supporreste. Clearly, the fact of knowing it will not cure your disease in a flash. But will point a way, anything but pessimistic, to be followed to solve your problems. Let it flow
instinct for a good time to park the arrogance of reason, and I surrender to the physicality of the act without comparing themselves to any model trying to be, not just appear, it is an interesting recipe that stress true not only for archery, but expresses its power in a very immediate through the application of this ancient discipline ... instinctive.
If you really manage to make you a reason, you will realize that they have everything you need and we have made a major breakthrough in terms of self-esteem and confidence. And that's what counts most.
The follow-through, this unknown
Tugging at long distances is more easily discover the mysteries of the follow-through. In fact it has always been explained in a rather cryptic. If you read on most instruction manuals chapter dedicated to him, it seems that between the phases of the shot, taken rigorously examined (posture, nock, tension, aiming, release and follow-through) ours is a kind of "ritual figure," a compelling final force required for self-examination of the conscious and the arrow runs toward the target. All this made the arch can still vibrating in his hand, the eye that scrutinizes the impact of the arrow, the hand of the rope gently on the shoulder relaxed.
To many students, indeed, everything is ordered, when he still can not understand the meaning because they do not fully able to organize coordinated action of the shot and when to shoot their arrows in series one after another in an attempt to drain quickly quiver seems the only unconscious goal to pursue. Well, this is the striking example in which the case is being confused with the effect. The follow-through occurs when the action shooting, which took place in accordance with the plans for the force, took place in the best way. It happens all by itself, when the concentration of those pulls is likely to "push" the arrow mentally throughout his dish to the center of the target, when the energy of the archer (not just the muscle) is projected in the act of wanted to hit the mark. It is therefore not a "bound set" of the sequence of the shot, but a direct consequence, the outsider, an action well done. To try it, the mental representation, idealization can really drive the arrow in its flight with the power of the mind after the issue is what is needed. From the outside, viewers will see a perfect follow-through.
[1] Bateson, G. Mind and Nature, Adelphi 1993; Mittelstaed, The analysis of behavior in terms of the control systems , New York, 1990.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Sunbeam Mixer Repair Open
Down the error: Notes on the Construction Staff in education in archery hunting the killer
These notes are not talking about racing technique, but of basic education. One of the most common troubles that afflict the society is the flight of archery archers after the first months of activity, in most cases due to a tendency to relegate to the standard imprinting little motivating, or worse, to the neglect of those who work for teaching.
The experimental work done by myself and Edo Ferraro, Coordinator of the Education FIARC in recent years turned towards this direction in an attempt to overcome this problem. And we think, in light of the results that they have got their hands on something important. Presumption aside, the logic of this "revolution" are interested to our dear old first basic course, and probably will evolve into more advanced stages of learning. It is inspired by a still teaching in the "experiment" but well known in the ' science teaching called "constructivism," never applied to the field sports and athletic disciplines. We come then to the point.
First is to make it clear that the time sequence of lessons is not scanned in any way by "steps" of problems, arguments or steps obbligati.Il usual basic course, which included lessons in the lineup (the feet of body axis shoulder arms, hand bow, bow arm, hand rope, release and follow-through) is now seen in its entirety, without these steps canonical "espositivistici.
The concept that must guide the instructor is the one that sees the expansion plans of force as the only objective to be achieved for the shooting technique, leaving details the interpretation of the covenant which gradually discovers own way that is most suited.
This is not completely deny the past, which has seen a detailed education in the canonization styles, sequences and phases of shooting, just simplifying the problem, with the sole target for learning "movement" in its entirety, and goal essential reach to raise awareness of the 'student towards an understanding of the concepts "power plan" and "dynamic expansion." In effect, these are the only fundamental and common points between all styles of shooting effective, regardless of their particular variants. Problems related to the loading of the arc (Levers, vertical, horizontal, bottom, top, power archery, etc..) Are secondary and accessories. It will be the same student to choose.
Split classes for subjects not seem particularly advantageous in light of the foregoing. Each student has a "relative time" learning scanned by discoveries related to its sensitivity and motor experience.
In other words, the first lesson the instructor must:
1) observe the student to his first pitches, trying not to influence it in any way with words and live models, this is because the motivation that led him to enroll in the course requires the embryo of "ideal model" for which, one supposes, he is very willing to fight to represent the best;
2) to study the attempt to "represent the ideal personal identifying the main obstacles that stand to achieve the objective, which in essence boils down to mastering buoyancy along the planes. In this attempt is probably contained an array of not entirely wrong, which should be encouraged because it optimizes the fullest.
What are the judging criteria that allow us to say that this matrix is \u200b\u200bto be optimized?
simply function as such is close to an ideal model in which the plans are met with a strong movement in expansion. This is the basic premise.
From this point on the actual teaching part of the "Building Staff." The personal construction based on the assumption that any kind of knowledge should not be "transmitted" from master to as good or evil has been any kind of teaching we have been experiencing so far in all fields (Espositivismo), with a teacher, that is, shaping by forcing the student to learn concepts and models. In this way, the knowledge remains stuck at 'outside the sphere of their knowledge and do not take root, if not with much effort, in depth (this effort is one of the first leaders of the many dropouts).
The teacher tries to uncover the pupil idealization of his own discipline, inspiring in bringing his personal interpretation which already partly owned by an idea at the start and that should gradually refine.
In this way learning takes substance, not be forgotten, and especially gratifying, because it's basically made just by the student. The teacher should encourage the student in order to highlight and possibly anticipate the obstacles that he will find the path, and will be the same student to propose solutions that do not involve the observance of any preconceived dogma and gratuito.L 'expansion along the plans of corrective force is the only "dogma" to be met, but it is a natural condition of optimization of the gesture in ergonomics, and instinctively (experimental teaching experience) it is contained, albeit in a more or less latent in every allievo.La figure blurs the image of the teacher who requires a learning path in predetermined steps, becoming a fellow (more experienced) of discovery, offering different paths until the most rewarding journey of self is formed by the alliance.
he "built" in first person what the most rewarding.
As for our specific discipline, the archery of any label, some arguments can not be resolved without the use of traditional teaching mechanics (such as safety rules!) but it works so extraordinarily effective, and can be expected, especially in the beginning, a sort of personal construction and method in which traditional teaching ( Espositivismo) walk together.
Teaching needs to be set in one direction and then through a flexible student-instructor dialogue continued, where the first "proposed" experiments and the second executes them by commenting them as deeply as possible.
From this dialogue, the instructor must learn to propose ideas for different situations gradually emphasize that the canonical obstacles that the student will find its way discoveries. In adhering
can never be said that what he does is just wrong, but these exercises should be proposed for which he receives, for example, instability, tension and discomfort. Its no longer be "mistakes" and then, but difficulty in overcoming obstacles. The task of 'Teacher, we repeat, must be to emphasize these obstacles to make them more insidious and less obvious, and therefore more easily mastered by the pupil himself.
not ever have to give the answer to a question. It must look to the student, and help in the search and once found, conceptualize. It will be necessary, clear, face an obstacle at a time, organizing questions and exercises with situations that could undermine the idea that motor or attitude to impede the acquisition of the student movement along the expansion plans of corrective force. How well the student must learn to "feel" in the movement, to perceive more deeply, trying to work on his feelings immediately bringing it to focus on the obstacles. All this keeping in mind that cognitive processes and the speed of learning are obviously not the same for everyone, and it is necessary to comply with the starting levels (physical, cultural and psychological) and the individual speed and capacity self-analysis and structuring of its motor and conceptual model, real personal filters through which we learn and we interpret reality. It should not be raping anyone.
What are the "problems" immediately emerging from wanting to apply this method? surely the difficult applicability and understanding of the instructor used to teach in the traditional way. In our training courses for instructors are qualified to FIARC the old canons, there is more to the great variety of reactions. There are those who staggers, rolls his eyes, he was seized by illness.
-Like, I do not have to correct? I must observe, keep me in lowering the shoulder of the arc pupil that pushes up, and what do I propose? - instead there who (and here's to worry about) not even a nod, saying with authoritative security that he had already discovered, and always understood, always applied the shock and amazement that the other colleagues.
Very often this misunderstanding. The real difficulty in understanding the method lies in the denial of a model to be followed slavishly, any model like the staff that the instructor has gained after years of hard work, and also that of Olympic champion. Reduce the model to two simple and fundamental objectives, the plans and the strength of the expansion, is a simplification elegant but requires extreme technical maturity and expertise in applying it, and a lot of courage in the "remove" their deeply held convictions made in years, accepting the interpretations of the student even if they deviate from the usual canons. It takes maturity and a desire to return (and recover) in question. Unfortunately they are not common plants in our backyard. Dear Instructors, have your say. Any exchange of experience is valuable, and these lines just want to stimulate a dialogue.
These notes are not talking about racing technique, but of basic education. One of the most common troubles that afflict the society is the flight of archery archers after the first months of activity, in most cases due to a tendency to relegate to the standard imprinting little motivating, or worse, to the neglect of those who work for teaching.
The experimental work done by myself and Edo Ferraro, Coordinator of the Education FIARC in recent years turned towards this direction in an attempt to overcome this problem. And we think, in light of the results that they have got their hands on something important. Presumption aside, the logic of this "revolution" are interested to our dear old first basic course, and probably will evolve into more advanced stages of learning. It is inspired by a still teaching in the "experiment" but well known in the ' science teaching called "constructivism," never applied to the field sports and athletic disciplines. We come then to the point.
First is to make it clear that the time sequence of lessons is not scanned in any way by "steps" of problems, arguments or steps obbligati.Il usual basic course, which included lessons in the lineup (the feet of body axis shoulder arms, hand bow, bow arm, hand rope, release and follow-through) is now seen in its entirety, without these steps canonical "espositivistici.
The concept that must guide the instructor is the one that sees the expansion plans of force as the only objective to be achieved for the shooting technique, leaving details the interpretation of the covenant which gradually discovers own way that is most suited.
This is not completely deny the past, which has seen a detailed education in the canonization styles, sequences and phases of shooting, just simplifying the problem, with the sole target for learning "movement" in its entirety, and goal essential reach to raise awareness of the 'student towards an understanding of the concepts "power plan" and "dynamic expansion." In effect, these are the only fundamental and common points between all styles of shooting effective, regardless of their particular variants. Problems related to the loading of the arc (Levers, vertical, horizontal, bottom, top, power archery, etc..) Are secondary and accessories. It will be the same student to choose.
Split classes for subjects not seem particularly advantageous in light of the foregoing. Each student has a "relative time" learning scanned by discoveries related to its sensitivity and motor experience.
In other words, the first lesson the instructor must:
1) observe the student to his first pitches, trying not to influence it in any way with words and live models, this is because the motivation that led him to enroll in the course requires the embryo of "ideal model" for which, one supposes, he is very willing to fight to represent the best;
2) to study the attempt to "represent the ideal personal identifying the main obstacles that stand to achieve the objective, which in essence boils down to mastering buoyancy along the planes. In this attempt is probably contained an array of not entirely wrong, which should be encouraged because it optimizes the fullest.
What are the judging criteria that allow us to say that this matrix is \u200b\u200bto be optimized?
simply function as such is close to an ideal model in which the plans are met with a strong movement in expansion. This is the basic premise.
From this point on the actual teaching part of the "Building Staff." The personal construction based on the assumption that any kind of knowledge should not be "transmitted" from master to as good or evil has been any kind of teaching we have been experiencing so far in all fields (Espositivismo), with a teacher, that is, shaping by forcing the student to learn concepts and models. In this way, the knowledge remains stuck at 'outside the sphere of their knowledge and do not take root, if not with much effort, in depth (this effort is one of the first leaders of the many dropouts).
The teacher tries to uncover the pupil idealization of his own discipline, inspiring in bringing his personal interpretation which already partly owned by an idea at the start and that should gradually refine.
In this way learning takes substance, not be forgotten, and especially gratifying, because it's basically made just by the student. The teacher should encourage the student in order to highlight and possibly anticipate the obstacles that he will find the path, and will be the same student to propose solutions that do not involve the observance of any preconceived dogma and gratuito.L 'expansion along the plans of corrective force is the only "dogma" to be met, but it is a natural condition of optimization of the gesture in ergonomics, and instinctively (experimental teaching experience) it is contained, albeit in a more or less latent in every allievo.La figure blurs the image of the teacher who requires a learning path in predetermined steps, becoming a fellow (more experienced) of discovery, offering different paths until the most rewarding journey of self is formed by the alliance.
he "built" in first person what the most rewarding.
As for our specific discipline, the archery of any label, some arguments can not be resolved without the use of traditional teaching mechanics (such as safety rules!) but it works so extraordinarily effective, and can be expected, especially in the beginning, a sort of personal construction and method in which traditional teaching ( Espositivismo) walk together.
Teaching needs to be set in one direction and then through a flexible student-instructor dialogue continued, where the first "proposed" experiments and the second executes them by commenting them as deeply as possible.
From this dialogue, the instructor must learn to propose ideas for different situations gradually emphasize that the canonical obstacles that the student will find its way discoveries. In adhering
can never be said that what he does is just wrong, but these exercises should be proposed for which he receives, for example, instability, tension and discomfort. Its no longer be "mistakes" and then, but difficulty in overcoming obstacles. The task of 'Teacher, we repeat, must be to emphasize these obstacles to make them more insidious and less obvious, and therefore more easily mastered by the pupil himself.
not ever have to give the answer to a question. It must look to the student, and help in the search and once found, conceptualize. It will be necessary, clear, face an obstacle at a time, organizing questions and exercises with situations that could undermine the idea that motor or attitude to impede the acquisition of the student movement along the expansion plans of corrective force. How well the student must learn to "feel" in the movement, to perceive more deeply, trying to work on his feelings immediately bringing it to focus on the obstacles. All this keeping in mind that cognitive processes and the speed of learning are obviously not the same for everyone, and it is necessary to comply with the starting levels (physical, cultural and psychological) and the individual speed and capacity self-analysis and structuring of its motor and conceptual model, real personal filters through which we learn and we interpret reality. It should not be raping anyone.
What are the "problems" immediately emerging from wanting to apply this method? surely the difficult applicability and understanding of the instructor used to teach in the traditional way. In our training courses for instructors are qualified to FIARC the old canons, there is more to the great variety of reactions. There are those who staggers, rolls his eyes, he was seized by illness.
-Like, I do not have to correct? I must observe, keep me in lowering the shoulder of the arc pupil that pushes up, and what do I propose? - instead there who (and here's to worry about) not even a nod, saying with authoritative security that he had already discovered, and always understood, always applied the shock and amazement that the other colleagues.
Very often this misunderstanding. The real difficulty in understanding the method lies in the denial of a model to be followed slavishly, any model like the staff that the instructor has gained after years of hard work, and also that of Olympic champion. Reduce the model to two simple and fundamental objectives, the plans and the strength of the expansion, is a simplification elegant but requires extreme technical maturity and expertise in applying it, and a lot of courage in the "remove" their deeply held convictions made in years, accepting the interpretations of the student even if they deviate from the usual canons. It takes maturity and a desire to return (and recover) in question. Unfortunately they are not common plants in our backyard. Dear Instructors, have your say. Any exchange of experience is valuable, and these lines just want to stimulate a dialogue.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Top Ten Tech Deck Tricks

Yellow is exciting. The data are numerous, but difficult to interpret. Many of them likely to emerge from future investigations, but already now it is possible to deduce logical interpretation, or at least rule out some hitherto considered possible. The
having to recreate, for a science fiction the possible circumstances of the attack and the fight was a very memorable experience. I dare say an "experiment" conducted archaeological without saving. The crew of the Discovery Channel and Brando Quilici Productions (more than fifteen members) has allowed the use of professional actors who acrobatically "played" the possible situations in weeks of continuous operation. The scenery, at 3200 meters high (obviously not turned the real place of discovery in order to avoid any possibility of pollution) in area and at the next like the killing site, has made an extremely realistic and has enabled us to "suspect" a series of hypotheses and testing of dynamic hard to evoke desk. I hate to think the effort of the poor (!) And other actors cinecittà enrolled in Val Venosta, formidable professionals dressed with extreme care, skin and reconstructed facilities, which have been heroically our requests and dozens of repetitions and reworkings of scenes and action that gradually there came to mind. In the documentary, there was also attended by two good archers FIARC of 06 Alps, who participated in a simulation of technological equipment with fatal shooting at long range. Their trial has demonstrated the difficulty of shooting at high altitude, rarefied atmosphere and wind on the ridge. Of course, the documentary shows a very short spot of these actions, the logic in a spectacular way to expose the possibilities and commenting on the degree of scientific probability. The implementation of some complex scenes has allowed me to see and participate in the difficult world of filmmaking, special effects and stunt filming. My job was to train underground actors likely to use weapons of Neolithic, axes, knives, spears and bows and arrows, of course. A frenzy of deadly arrows (in the scenes spectacular reminiscent of the fight) and close combat, can not deny that the study of the backstage film by Nils Gaup, Howard Hill and Kevin Costner I have been very helpful.
times Otzi, the Cultural Revolution

wanted to emphasize, however, this drama, as a prelude to the emergence of a humanity that - do not forget - has allowed the development of progress.

Speaking of the main theme, the scenes of the hypothesis of the death of Otzi subsequent chase were very interesting. The theory of the "lizard tail gambit" that explain very well was re-created, as well as those of close combat with the knife (replaced only in the sink in the foreground with a reproduction of an early plastic) made me tremble, not for fate of my blade of flint, but for the wonderful professional nonchalance with which these actors if they were waving in front of the face and another jumping from a rock!
theories about his death

Otzi's shoulder injury could be sufficient to legitimize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fatal blow, even if they are well-known cases where people suffering from bullet slow survive for long. One such theme is the Kennewick Man discovered in North America, dated 9200 years, with a spear stuck in the pelvis but is surrounded by bone tissue regeneration, or the woman 11,000 years ago the Grotto of St. Theodore, in Sicily, with traces of lithic projectile (probably a arrowheads) hit in the side and still survived the wound for a long time. Again the callus testifies. My experience of prehistoric hunting equipment, and those of bowhunters are in contact with which may be useful ... but to a certain point (I have not experienced a specific battles between humans and on this front ... fortunately the bibliography is poor ). The impression I get from the wound and the penetration of the arrow, compared to similar situations is the wild, however, that the wound might be or become fatal, even if times and circumstances known today are not able to support a verdict secure. In our case, these data are: the arrow has penetrated the tissues of the jacket and the shoulder, the scapula has broken through and stopped a few centimeters from the lung. Probably (and this will ensure the removal of the tip) the cusp severed tendons and an artery or a vein, and this can only mean the paralysis of the left arm and one death for progressive bacterial infection or rapid bleeding. Surely, the wound was very painful, caused a strong bleeding and a gradual weakening. I think very unlikely that Otzi was able to break the auction alone, given the position, and especially the extreme painfulness of the injury. That has not been found no broken auction close or it could mean a fall during his flight (I dare not think of the pain consequent) and a consequent loss of the auction to another place, or give rise to a divergent interpretation of the car mechanics: if the arrow that Otzi had been hit compound, with a distal foreshaft similar to that found in the quiver, the posting of the auction would have been possible with less pain;

Before the discovery of the peak in the shoulder, the assumptions about his death was related to three different theories: the most "excommunicated" today is the one that saw our tired from the long climb of Tisental fall asleep exhausted and be caught by a sudden and heavy snowfall. A death by gradual loss of the senses and the next exposure. The other went a stampede from the village and aggression (because of the weapons found unfinished and fractures to the ribs for the supposed right of the first X-ray Austria) is now partially re-evaluated. The first scholar who tried his hand with the mystery of Otzi, Konrad Spindler, in the proposed His scientific publications and was popularized in the book "the iceman" published in 1993. Professor Spindler, assuming a fight or a fight anyway, even if it was based on incomplete or incorrect information without knowing it, he sensed something very close to the truth. Other
(especially Johan Reinhard, an expert on South American mummies) hypothesized a "ritual sacrifice" to justify the fact that our ice man, apparently a leading figure in his community, was not stolen anything, especially the valuable copper ax . Today, in light of the discovery (and following of his injured right hand be interpreted as a stab wound to lytic Because of its irregular profile) to combat the violent death seems the most likely. It remains to interpret the condition. To summarize the most significant opportunities, the first one is an injury hunting accident. An ill-advised shot, and concealment of a corpse by the hunting companion guilty of negligent murder. Obviously it could not take home the things that Otzi.
seems to me weak (in the light of the perfection of the shot and other wounds on the body) but we can never exclude it.
The second assumes an accidental injury: Most of the allegations of otziologisti overseas about the possibility that Otzi was accidentally wounded by his arrow. One of his fall, while extracting the arrow, or the arrow that pierces the quiver is given and the victim's back. Archer and hunter, I think it is absolutely fantastic that an arrow "accidental" can pierce the thick fur coat, break through the scapula and penetrate deeply through the muscles of the shoulder, especially being in the position as it has been detected. Imaginative, though perhaps virtually possible. Experience as a modern hunting arrow (and those with the cusp of flint are certainly not less) can be dangerous if handled clumsily. A flight from an ambush on the tree (the tree-stand falls are the most common causes of hunting accidents in the U.S.) with the arrow over Nock can certainly be dangerous, but assume a scenario similar to the Iceman seems very risky, because of its characteristics would be found the first case of its kind.
The interpretation of self-injury in water on all sides. First of all because, as we reported previously, who examined the body of Otzi has discovered other injuries hurt, and the scientific evidence that they are considered fully consistent (and forensic scientists know their job). Gradually, the hypothesis that violent death has become increasingly realistic, Egarter found several wounds on the body, which reinforce the idea of close combat. The deep cut on his right palm and other bruises (not initially identified or attributed to damage of thawing and post-shipment) are classically defined as puncture wounds and cutting "autodifensive" against sharp weapons. Subsequent interpretations
also plan to violent situations: the stampede from the village attacked by enemies or predators, chase, injury and death in a hidden location (and therefore have to predict the recovery kit) or the murder by another pastor who wants to take possession of the flock of Otzi. Our severely wounded flees, hides (and hence ax is not stolen) but dies for injuries and the sudden drop in temperature.
A variant, significantly, describes a scenario is quite articulate and charming, "lizard tail gambit," as it is called by the U.S. led by Petr otziologisti Jandacek, is the theory that sees our attacked by a villain who wants to steal the precious ax copper, he is wounded in combat, being chased and then shot by the arrow, but still able to resist and escape planning a defensive strategy. Much like the chess-like strategy (the gambit of the lizard's tail, in which pedestrians are sacrificed to improve the defense and counterattack), he spreads some of his things in the vicinity, bow, quiver, backpack and precious ax as bait. Takes with him only his knife and birch container with hot coals and hides covered with snow, perhaps leaving a small glimmer of vision. The attacker, however, does not find it and the bad weather arrives. Otzi falls asleep and died from his injuries weakened into a stupor, freezing.
I believe that imagination and creativity might suggest infinite variations to the drama dell'Ötzaler Alp. It will be impossible to determine the true circumstances. The one thing (or at least there is no other evidence that might lead one to suppose otherwise) on which you are obviously working, it is his arrow wound, and on that, analytically and scientifically one can speculate. (VB)
The arrows of the quiver of Otzi

The peak in question, those found armed arrows in the quiver, are part of two rods broken in several places. Careful examination of the cracks do not seem the result of a fall (the other auctions are armed or not spikes intact, and the majority) but rather suggest arrows be "recovered" several times (the analysis of blood traces found up to 50 cm from the tip of the confirmation), then finally pull a target failure, and routes to work and to recycle valuable components. Could be arrows that have missed our flight, and he promptly recovered for reuse (Otzi had just finished material, but went with him all the tools needed to rebuild and assembly).
the cusp killer

forgot: reports interpreted by the amazing amount of archery accessories to suggest that Otzi was south of Alpine culture, because the arm cusps that the only two arrows in his quiver intact (if they are his and not collected during the flight) are belonging to 'cultural ensemble of the southern slopes of the Alps, then north Tyrolean peaks, then.
Moreover, even in the cusp shoulder, although shorter, is of the same type. It seems that the ancient Austria (Cultures of Cham and Altheim) prefers cusps base flat or slightly concave, without a central stalk. They, in the archaeological evidence, the vast majority. This characteristic, of cultural significance and not purely functional, differentiation and allows the classification of Otzi the bloody incident as the result of a fight between people of the south side of the Alps. On the other hand, the investigation of residues of food ingested by Otzi allowed with reasonable certainty to define the path taken by him, which began the beginning of the Venosta valley and went in the direction of the current Vernago artificial lake, then along the Tisental (Tisa valley) to the yoke of the Tisa, the "killing site" on the watershed between the tip el'Hauslabjoch Final, marking the border between north and south of the mountain ' Otzaler Alp.
This we can say with a good chance of Otzi the attackers were part of a cultural group "protoitalico. If the arrows in the quiver completed, that is, armed with leaflets, they were the property of ours, he may very likely be of the same ethnicity.
That said, the question remains on the small cusp. And here I summarize my uncertainties.
My goal today is to develop a predictive model that can help to interpret the accompanying ballistic (which are all that can be imagined) of those who hit our, set the standards for testing, do it, and wait for the data that may arise after the autopsy of the mummy to achieve a realistic result of comparison.
The fact is that the cusp is very poor. But still has penetrated 50 mm. tissue and broke through the left shoulder blade. And I do not know yet whether the impact has passed through tissue or other material, and the damage it has done anyway. the "cuspidina" is really very small, its weight close to 2 grams, similar in size and weight, for example, under certain cusp of Mali and Niger in the same period (see photo) and North African ones. The North African
cusps are characteristic of a particular cultural aspect of hunting with bows and methods are substantially different to those of alpine hunters, testified that the homogeneity of the findings, palaeoenvironmental studies which testify to the scarcity of wood to allow for the construction of high arches , cave paintings, etc.. The African Neolithic
uniform and in this respect is literally the case histories of its peak would still shoulder the size of that of Otzi among those with the greatest magnitude.
The North African Neolithic had weak arches, practiced the hunting of the big group game, and their killing was probably based on many arrows hitting the prey and weakened gradually.
Hence the question: strong bow and arrow from a "last chance" or bow girls, the "theory angry lover"?

last chance? Have been found in contexts also the oldest evidence of how, in emergency situations, the hunter "empty" his quiver against the target. If you like any good hunter worthy of respect, many arrows on his back door and between these there is dedicated to small game, in an extreme moment, having pulled his arrow quiver empty your best ... even with those of different vocations. In Denmark, at the Lake Vig, was found a beautiful rib of aurochs (Bos primigenius) Mesolithic arrowhead with a trapezoid (the classic transverse shearing, a trapezoid with the longer side that matches the profile of impact) stuck inside. It 's easy to imagine how that poor bison, already wounded by other arrows, about to defungere like a bull full of harpoons, has received even more in this arrow, also if not for him "in theory". The hunter has certainly drawn to him all the tirabile (I would have done so myself, hurt and angry with a buffalo in the water) not worrying about the "form" to think that evil in order (!) Would not do. Depending on your point of view ...
think that the cusp is the result of a "recovery" post earlier use comes from the fact that the size of the basis of its close proximity to other longer, the same period. Cusps "new" inscribed in a square-shaped (I mean the area of \u200b\u200b"live", ie without stem) I understand to be practically non-existent in burial contexts, where abound in those isosceles triangular area (width of base <>
General Bibliography:
Konrad Spindler, the iceman, translated by Joseph Cospito, Milan, New Practical Publishing 1998
Raffaele de Marinis, Joseph Bright, Otzi, the Iceman, Marsilio Editore, 1998
specification: Franco Rollo et al, Otzi Last Meals: DNA, Analysis of the intestinal content of the Neolithic Glacier Mummy from The Alps in "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 99, No.20, pp 12594-12599, October 1 2002
Various authors, the mummy of the Copper. New research on the Iceman, Proceedings of the international conference, Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, Bolzano, 1999
Paul Gostner, Eduard Egarter Vigl, insight: report of forensic Radiological Findings on the Iceman in "journal of Archaeological Science ", 29, No. 3, pp. 323-326, March 2002
James H. Dickson, Klaus Oeggl, Linda L. Handley, the return of Otzi, Le Scienze n.418 June 2003, pp.66-77 W. Oberhuber, Knapp R., 1997, The bow of the Tyrolean Iceman: a dendrocronological investigation by computed tomography. In S. Bortenschlager and K. Oeggl (eds): The Man in the Ice, vol. 4, pp. 63-67
Boom Box Replacement Antenna
hunting with a bow in Italy
Law 968/77 frame identifies the bow as a legitimate tool for hunting. The parliament, in that distant year, made a decision to put art in Italy line with very few other countries. The story of the affair is something special to Giuseppe Pesenti, then president of the polygon of Bergamo, this is an opportunity to speak with Mr Andreotti, and convinced him to submit the proposal for the legitimacy hunts of the "minor", bow and hawk. It was the then Chairman of the Board to sign such recognition in the emerging framework law, which went "unnoticed" in a hot session of Parliament in August of '77. And Giuseppe Pesenti, all right, since it is considered the "father" of bowhunting Italian.
Since then the interest in hunting with a bow in our country has increased, although they were still a niche activity. If today we can count on a potential few thousand hunters, engaged or "peep" to discipline, in '77, the hunter with the bow was virtually nonexistent, except for those few fans (as Giuseppe Pesenti) who knew the United States and that the practice abroad. Incidentally, the Pesenti was close to her through one of the undisputed fathers of modern bowhunting, Fred Bear that in the '60s that represented the model for many American hunters, and that still represents a valid symbol or by a Morally and philosophically, around the world.
America counts millions of bow hunters, with specific rules and timetables that start early with respect to a firearm. It is a country with a culture different from our hunting, in many respects, as well as habitat and wildlife that are much closer to the philosophy of the wilderness that we read books on Conrad and Thoreau. Only two hundred years ago on the plains bison are hunted with a bow, and a hundred years ago in the forests of the west the natives still hunt white-tailed deer stationing twenty yards with his bow and arrows hidden by vegetation. The trapper who explored the frontier had more in common with the Indians than with the European culture from which they came, through a mechanism of imitation and adaptation of the immanence of the wild environment in which they moved. It is natural that after all this heritage has recently taken hold, with the pressure of a romantic and functional world-wide still 2 to 1 compared to the old continent. In the 30 U.S. states have already legalized hunting with a bow.
In our part of spoken language Hunting result of a different culture and complex, partly made of ancient traditions where hunting is a privilege of the rich and noble, in the modern part of evolved out of necessity after the war impoverishment, and some contemporary marred by political compromise economic equation-sport-hunting business. From the eighties was the terminus also an alternative vision, thanks to the spread of a certain communication, the dreams of the generation that grew and fed by movies, books, magazines and outdoor adventure overseas did sprout like concrete "wild" our ", between the symbolic forms which are well identified the bow and arrow in a hunting archaic. Today, very young hunters are turning to the bow and arrows, as well as many fans of arc, driven by curiosity (sometimes deep drive) looking for substantive responses to the relationship with nature in relation to their nature, difficult answers, perhaps impossible, but very intriguing.
Bowhunting is not just a different way of relating to the wild. The archer in the dark of the forest is not just a romantic image. More primitive hunting tool There are more forces at close contact. About bowhunting today knows that does not hunt to survive, he knows that his weapon is primitive and has big technical limitations and the wounding of game is the Absolute to Avoid, and then paradoxically prefer not to venture a shot rather than risk injury. Ethically, therefore targeting the extreme approach (which means the penetration of the alert, the real meaning of the protected wild whose receptors are not encoded in the manuals of anatomy) and most of the time to surrender ' final act (killing) to get a laugh in the face of his clumsiness. I can not explain the why of this real strong influence. Perhaps the hunt with a primitive instrument is a reference to which a particular individual responds only partially free from the consumerist and hedonistic principle, then automatically and internally subject to certain unwritten laws that have accompanied humanity in its infancy. I do not think this depends on the economy of the ballistic system (the arrows are very valuable and often self-built with love, one by one), sure that this conviction is rooted in, I found all the bow hunters, and especially those who have turned the bow after other experiences. A sort of humility induced by self-imposed restriction, which gives a higher value at the time, a "feel" closer to a model of ancestral man who is no longer a physical fact that potentially crosses with the ritual.
The lethality of the real arrow
bow hunters Hunter is a particularly sensitive, responsible and above all to prepare. His specialization is mandatory, because practice is a form of hunting itself autoselezionante itself (knowledge of the territory, 'Ethology and Animal Biology and the ability to manage themselves in the forms of hunting that provide an approach to the extreme prey) and because the effectiveness of the medium he uses is totally bound to his knowledge and sense of responsibility.
The effectiveness of the arc as a means of hunting big game is not in doubt, subject to compliance with the concepts on display. It is a type of ballistic effectiveness depends on factors other than the firearm. While a bullet fired from a rifle that has a speed to cause the arrest or immobilisation of the prey (regardless of the damaging power) due to kinetic energy, the arrow is provided with blades (which reaches an average speed ten times lower than the ball ) can "only" cause of fatal injuries due to bleeding as a result. In ballistic terms, has high killing power (power prejudices), but little or no stopping power (stopping power), especially with the big game. That's why the hunting technique itself must be adapted to lead to responsible hunting large mammals. In a medium ungulate (the size of the roe deer to those of) the vital area in which to strike (viewed from an angle with the axis perpendicular to the axis of sight of the body) varies from 15 to 40 cm in radius. In this area, and with this approach are the lungs, liver, heart. Hemorrhage produced in this area is always fast and deadly. The bullet wounded the primitive is always because of bleeding. The quality (meaning the "effectiveness") of the resulting wound hemorrhage is the number of vessels involved (through and torn by the bullet) and drainage of the wound, the time between death and the impact of game varies depending on this parameter and of the disturbance caused by hunter who has struck the blow. In other words, if the shot is well addressed in the vital area and if not raised any subsequent disturbance, occur for thirty minutes to sixty minutes for the bleeding out his effect. Statistically, up to 70/150 kg weight game, the journey from the moment of impact to the terminal does not exceed 100 feet, usually taken down and into waterways when present in vicinity.
E 'appropriate to distinguish between injuries that result in major hemorrhage and those affecting the immediate function of vital organs. Paradoxically, a heart with an arrow completely through may continue to perform its function for more intuitively too large and if the wild huntsman, who are disturbed by the scare, allow him to run for hundreds of meters. The key issue is then the stillness and silence that must follow for at least an hour hit.
The best feature of a stroke is always to be found in the amount of blood drained from his wounds, not from the states is aimed at single vital organ. At the same time, the best type of injury with high killing power and able to curb the flight or expulsion of the wild is the lung. With both lungs through a suddenly makes a double pneumothorax collapse and the animal (if not pressed by pursuers) freezes a few minutes, sometimes seconds after the impact because the blood is oxygenated more. The wounds to the heart, liver, they are always fatal, and function of blood vessels cut you a sure kill. Usually a wild animal has to pay about one third (35%) of its total weight in blood circulation to lose consciousness and die. The circulatory system of a mammal is running on a percentage roughly equal to 56 grams of blood per kg body weight (Badsworth, 1975). Consequently, for a deer by just one hundred kg hemorrhage was 980 grams of blood. E 'therefore the critical factor "speed". Proceeds faster than the bleeding, unless the wild journey takes from the moment of impact. The bullet in his early penetration also produces a small side effect of shock in the tissues immediately surrounding the cut. For an accurate analysis (Stinger, 1986) appear broken small blood vessels within a radius of 15 cm. the main wound that can be interpreted only as a shock impact. This shock has the effect of "numb" the area and "narcotize" the effect of penetration. The same is coming by chemical analysis of muscle tissue through which the bullet slow when there was no association with low amounts of adrenaline and endorphins, a feature increasingly found in exaggerated gunshot wounds.
This reasoning applies to more bullets with extremely sharp edge, peak profile and kinetics is determined to have momentum in the range considered.
from published studies (Brooke, Stinger, 1981) appears as the pain threshold in the wild is extremely higher than in humans. Generally speaking, the greater the size of the wild, more 'at the top it moves and greater resilience to occur in them. The higher the "cleaning" the wound (a bullet sharp) and the better the location of the stroke, is less easily reached this threshold of pain. Numerous examples of large wild pierced by an arrow which continue to burn (and that collapse after a few minutes for the bleeding) confirm that the human concept of pain as a factor absolutely not suitable for assessing this. An injury cut that corresponds to our description and that it affects vital organs can not easily be fatal because of the low percentage of damage to surrounding tissues, with the exception of abdominal wounds, which nearly always leads to death from sepsis (although it can occur days after the coup). However, the physiology of pain is always reflected in the human based on the nature of the wound, as saying that the effect of "psychological" effect of a cut even if the surface has events and reactions "not proportionate" to the actual intensity and severity of the injury . Not then need to consider the issue of injury in this regard "man-made" ... and it is wrong to humanize animals. Animals can not consciously have the fear of death, as long as nobody can prove otherwise. The configuration
neurological pain observed both among those wild animals that can not be measured only in clinical terms. Physiologically, the nerve endings that perceive pain are localized on the surface of the skin and bones. The vital organs (heart, liver, lungs and bowel) have very few if not some of them, such as those responsible for the nausea.
The game of choice for hunting bow is the big game, at least one more ... is praised. In America (apart from the difficult discipline of hunting wild turkey) with the bow hunt normally tailed deer, mule deer, wild goats, Bighorn (A version of our superdotato Mouflon) brown bears and Elk. In some states in North America and even Canada Moose and Caribou, and Grizzly Bears. They are in solitary hunts by stalking high (tree stand hunting) or preceded by the slow approach and dall'avvistamento (stalking). In Italy, where it is allowed, the boar is hunted in various forms (even in the traditional courts) and has proved its effectiveness without any discussion. In private, the arc has demonstrated its efficacy in the mouflon and red deer. But it must be said that even the small-game hunting in the company of the dog can be a good opportunity. Hunting with dogs is practical and the arc prehistoric and ancient (as documented by ex-Cantabrian cave paintings of Neolithic and Egyptian depictions) and despite the obvious difficulties (requires skill to hit the moving prey) is of great satisfaction. In southern Italy today is having a good result.
legislation allows the use of the bow hunting, but does not specify any rules. Regions and provinces prohibit the use of the bow or targeted at specific species, and so patchy, they do. In all these years nothing has been done in practice to draw a precise picture of the requirements and the specific preparation that the bow hunters must show in order to operate (or support) his rights. In other words, considering the significant fact that the bow and arrow are not classified as weapons (by legislation) anyone in possession of a hunting license can go to the armory or in a sporting goods store, buy a bow and go there to hunt.
the light of its technical features and strict ethical standards to which should be accompanied, hunting with bow therefore requires a strong awareness and preparation in advance. Whether it is to ask a traditional hunter, whether (and even more so) to approach it the archer. It is for this reason that in 1990 was born on Lost Legacy, by an association that fixed base of operations in Todi, in reserve Agrincontri, began a program of education to hunt with a bow. The association, although they can not count on a significant number of associates from that time taken official contacts with the political-institutional bodies to raise awareness of the problem. In 1995 he obtained official recognition from the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF), an international organization headquartered in place to protect America's hunting with a bow, and started from 96 courses internationally recognized IBEP (International Bowhunter Education Program) . These courses, lasting 14 hours, are modulated on technical and ethical, it places great emphasis on preparation for hunting safety and ethics. In most U.S. states require this certification to hunt with a bow, as well as South Africa and many states in recent times, even Europeans, who have made the education system on that model Journal (the last case is Hungary).
Recently Lost Legacy has divided into three geographic areas its action, the North is home to Bologna (where she was born), in middle and south of Rome and Salerno. It is from this last area that created the greatest hope and the rewards are coming: the hunting department of the Province of Salerno, as well as hunters, are collaborating in a very intense way to define standard experimental both legal and practical. A first step which, if well targeted, could become the subject of study and inspiration for other areas. It 'project in fact, with the participation of the Province and some municipalities in the territory of the Vallo di Diano, the establishment of a school for the disciplines in which hunting in a systematic way to introduce the teaching of courses offered by the Association to provide them with official recognition .
hunting with bow and sampling system with low environmental impact, never as the areas surrounding the parks (and the parks themselves) can benefit from it, if properly regulated and structured. Are specific actions in progress to explore the possibility of creating professional hunters to hunt with a bow selection, together with a program that provides for the creation of specialized operators in the management of ungulates (in this case the boar). Our association has prepared a large-scale action that will be operational shortly.
The thing I wonder most, in the light of two conferences organized in the territory, training courses and meetings, is the extraordinary response of traditional hunters. The same hunting organizations have shown a particular sensitivity in supporting this proposal. The bow hunting may perhaps become a "model" management, or at least a system for connecting components to an application management techniques more and more intense involvement between man and land through hunting.
Vittorio Brizzi
Bibliography useful
Brizzi - Zani, The Book of the hunter with a bow, publishers Greentime Spa, Bologna 2003
Brizzi, A bow hunting, planetarium editions, Bologna 1993
Badsworth , Stinger, - NBEF Educational Papers, 1975
Brooke, Stinger-NBEF Educational Papers, 1981
Law 968/77 frame identifies the bow as a legitimate tool for hunting. The parliament, in that distant year, made a decision to put art in Italy line with very few other countries. The story of the affair is something special to Giuseppe Pesenti, then president of the polygon of Bergamo, this is an opportunity to speak with Mr Andreotti, and convinced him to submit the proposal for the legitimacy hunts of the "minor", bow and hawk. It was the then Chairman of the Board to sign such recognition in the emerging framework law, which went "unnoticed" in a hot session of Parliament in August of '77. And Giuseppe Pesenti, all right, since it is considered the "father" of bowhunting Italian.
Since then the interest in hunting with a bow in our country has increased, although they were still a niche activity. If today we can count on a potential few thousand hunters, engaged or "peep" to discipline, in '77, the hunter with the bow was virtually nonexistent, except for those few fans (as Giuseppe Pesenti) who knew the United States and that the practice abroad. Incidentally, the Pesenti was close to her through one of the undisputed fathers of modern bowhunting, Fred Bear that in the '60s that represented the model for many American hunters, and that still represents a valid symbol or by a Morally and philosophically, around the world.
America counts millions of bow hunters, with specific rules and timetables that start early with respect to a firearm. It is a country with a culture different from our hunting, in many respects, as well as habitat and wildlife that are much closer to the philosophy of the wilderness that we read books on Conrad and Thoreau. Only two hundred years ago on the plains bison are hunted with a bow, and a hundred years ago in the forests of the west the natives still hunt white-tailed deer stationing twenty yards with his bow and arrows hidden by vegetation. The trapper who explored the frontier had more in common with the Indians than with the European culture from which they came, through a mechanism of imitation and adaptation of the immanence of the wild environment in which they moved. It is natural that after all this heritage has recently taken hold, with the pressure of a romantic and functional world-wide still 2 to 1 compared to the old continent. In the 30 U.S. states have already legalized hunting with a bow.
In our part of spoken language Hunting result of a different culture and complex, partly made of ancient traditions where hunting is a privilege of the rich and noble, in the modern part of evolved out of necessity after the war impoverishment, and some contemporary marred by political compromise economic equation-sport-hunting business. From the eighties was the terminus also an alternative vision, thanks to the spread of a certain communication, the dreams of the generation that grew and fed by movies, books, magazines and outdoor adventure overseas did sprout like concrete "wild" our ", between the symbolic forms which are well identified the bow and arrow in a hunting archaic. Today, very young hunters are turning to the bow and arrows, as well as many fans of arc, driven by curiosity (sometimes deep drive) looking for substantive responses to the relationship with nature in relation to their nature, difficult answers, perhaps impossible, but very intriguing.
Bowhunting is not just a different way of relating to the wild. The archer in the dark of the forest is not just a romantic image. More primitive hunting tool There are more forces at close contact. About bowhunting today knows that does not hunt to survive, he knows that his weapon is primitive and has big technical limitations and the wounding of game is the Absolute to Avoid, and then paradoxically prefer not to venture a shot rather than risk injury. Ethically, therefore targeting the extreme approach (which means the penetration of the alert, the real meaning of the protected wild whose receptors are not encoded in the manuals of anatomy) and most of the time to surrender ' final act (killing) to get a laugh in the face of his clumsiness. I can not explain the why of this real strong influence. Perhaps the hunt with a primitive instrument is a reference to which a particular individual responds only partially free from the consumerist and hedonistic principle, then automatically and internally subject to certain unwritten laws that have accompanied humanity in its infancy. I do not think this depends on the economy of the ballistic system (the arrows are very valuable and often self-built with love, one by one), sure that this conviction is rooted in, I found all the bow hunters, and especially those who have turned the bow after other experiences. A sort of humility induced by self-imposed restriction, which gives a higher value at the time, a "feel" closer to a model of ancestral man who is no longer a physical fact that potentially crosses with the ritual.
The lethality of the real arrow
bow hunters Hunter is a particularly sensitive, responsible and above all to prepare. His specialization is mandatory, because practice is a form of hunting itself autoselezionante itself (knowledge of the territory, 'Ethology and Animal Biology and the ability to manage themselves in the forms of hunting that provide an approach to the extreme prey) and because the effectiveness of the medium he uses is totally bound to his knowledge and sense of responsibility.
The effectiveness of the arc as a means of hunting big game is not in doubt, subject to compliance with the concepts on display. It is a type of ballistic effectiveness depends on factors other than the firearm. While a bullet fired from a rifle that has a speed to cause the arrest or immobilisation of the prey (regardless of the damaging power) due to kinetic energy, the arrow is provided with blades (which reaches an average speed ten times lower than the ball ) can "only" cause of fatal injuries due to bleeding as a result. In ballistic terms, has high killing power (power prejudices), but little or no stopping power (stopping power), especially with the big game. That's why the hunting technique itself must be adapted to lead to responsible hunting large mammals. In a medium ungulate (the size of the roe deer to those of) the vital area in which to strike (viewed from an angle with the axis perpendicular to the axis of sight of the body) varies from 15 to 40 cm in radius. In this area, and with this approach are the lungs, liver, heart. Hemorrhage produced in this area is always fast and deadly. The bullet wounded the primitive is always because of bleeding. The quality (meaning the "effectiveness") of the resulting wound hemorrhage is the number of vessels involved (through and torn by the bullet) and drainage of the wound, the time between death and the impact of game varies depending on this parameter and of the disturbance caused by hunter who has struck the blow. In other words, if the shot is well addressed in the vital area and if not raised any subsequent disturbance, occur for thirty minutes to sixty minutes for the bleeding out his effect. Statistically, up to 70/150 kg weight game, the journey from the moment of impact to the terminal does not exceed 100 feet, usually taken down and into waterways when present in vicinity.
E 'appropriate to distinguish between injuries that result in major hemorrhage and those affecting the immediate function of vital organs. Paradoxically, a heart with an arrow completely through may continue to perform its function for more intuitively too large and if the wild huntsman, who are disturbed by the scare, allow him to run for hundreds of meters. The key issue is then the stillness and silence that must follow for at least an hour hit.
The best feature of a stroke is always to be found in the amount of blood drained from his wounds, not from the states is aimed at single vital organ. At the same time, the best type of injury with high killing power and able to curb the flight or expulsion of the wild is the lung. With both lungs through a suddenly makes a double pneumothorax collapse and the animal (if not pressed by pursuers) freezes a few minutes, sometimes seconds after the impact because the blood is oxygenated more. The wounds to the heart, liver, they are always fatal, and function of blood vessels cut you a sure kill. Usually a wild animal has to pay about one third (35%) of its total weight in blood circulation to lose consciousness and die. The circulatory system of a mammal is running on a percentage roughly equal to 56 grams of blood per kg body weight (Badsworth, 1975). Consequently, for a deer by just one hundred kg hemorrhage was 980 grams of blood. E 'therefore the critical factor "speed". Proceeds faster than the bleeding, unless the wild journey takes from the moment of impact. The bullet in his early penetration also produces a small side effect of shock in the tissues immediately surrounding the cut. For an accurate analysis (Stinger, 1986) appear broken small blood vessels within a radius of 15 cm. the main wound that can be interpreted only as a shock impact. This shock has the effect of "numb" the area and "narcotize" the effect of penetration. The same is coming by chemical analysis of muscle tissue through which the bullet slow when there was no association with low amounts of adrenaline and endorphins, a feature increasingly found in exaggerated gunshot wounds.
This reasoning applies to more bullets with extremely sharp edge, peak profile and kinetics is determined to have momentum in the range considered.
from published studies (Brooke, Stinger, 1981) appears as the pain threshold in the wild is extremely higher than in humans. Generally speaking, the greater the size of the wild, more 'at the top it moves and greater resilience to occur in them. The higher the "cleaning" the wound (a bullet sharp) and the better the location of the stroke, is less easily reached this threshold of pain. Numerous examples of large wild pierced by an arrow which continue to burn (and that collapse after a few minutes for the bleeding) confirm that the human concept of pain as a factor absolutely not suitable for assessing this. An injury cut that corresponds to our description and that it affects vital organs can not easily be fatal because of the low percentage of damage to surrounding tissues, with the exception of abdominal wounds, which nearly always leads to death from sepsis (although it can occur days after the coup). However, the physiology of pain is always reflected in the human based on the nature of the wound, as saying that the effect of "psychological" effect of a cut even if the surface has events and reactions "not proportionate" to the actual intensity and severity of the injury . Not then need to consider the issue of injury in this regard "man-made" ... and it is wrong to humanize animals. Animals can not consciously have the fear of death, as long as nobody can prove otherwise. The configuration
neurological pain observed both among those wild animals that can not be measured only in clinical terms. Physiologically, the nerve endings that perceive pain are localized on the surface of the skin and bones. The vital organs (heart, liver, lungs and bowel) have very few if not some of them, such as those responsible for the nausea.
The game of choice for hunting bow is the big game, at least one more ... is praised. In America (apart from the difficult discipline of hunting wild turkey) with the bow hunt normally tailed deer, mule deer, wild goats, Bighorn (A version of our superdotato Mouflon) brown bears and Elk. In some states in North America and even Canada Moose and Caribou, and Grizzly Bears. They are in solitary hunts by stalking high (tree stand hunting) or preceded by the slow approach and dall'avvistamento (stalking). In Italy, where it is allowed, the boar is hunted in various forms (even in the traditional courts) and has proved its effectiveness without any discussion. In private, the arc has demonstrated its efficacy in the mouflon and red deer. But it must be said that even the small-game hunting in the company of the dog can be a good opportunity. Hunting with dogs is practical and the arc prehistoric and ancient (as documented by ex-Cantabrian cave paintings of Neolithic and Egyptian depictions) and despite the obvious difficulties (requires skill to hit the moving prey) is of great satisfaction. In southern Italy today is having a good result.
legislation allows the use of the bow hunting, but does not specify any rules. Regions and provinces prohibit the use of the bow or targeted at specific species, and so patchy, they do. In all these years nothing has been done in practice to draw a precise picture of the requirements and the specific preparation that the bow hunters must show in order to operate (or support) his rights. In other words, considering the significant fact that the bow and arrow are not classified as weapons (by legislation) anyone in possession of a hunting license can go to the armory or in a sporting goods store, buy a bow and go there to hunt.
the light of its technical features and strict ethical standards to which should be accompanied, hunting with bow therefore requires a strong awareness and preparation in advance. Whether it is to ask a traditional hunter, whether (and even more so) to approach it the archer. It is for this reason that in 1990 was born on Lost Legacy, by an association that fixed base of operations in Todi, in reserve Agrincontri, began a program of education to hunt with a bow. The association, although they can not count on a significant number of associates from that time taken official contacts with the political-institutional bodies to raise awareness of the problem. In 1995 he obtained official recognition from the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF), an international organization headquartered in place to protect America's hunting with a bow, and started from 96 courses internationally recognized IBEP (International Bowhunter Education Program) . These courses, lasting 14 hours, are modulated on technical and ethical, it places great emphasis on preparation for hunting safety and ethics. In most U.S. states require this certification to hunt with a bow, as well as South Africa and many states in recent times, even Europeans, who have made the education system on that model Journal (the last case is Hungary).
Recently Lost Legacy has divided into three geographic areas its action, the North is home to Bologna (where she was born), in middle and south of Rome and Salerno. It is from this last area that created the greatest hope and the rewards are coming: the hunting department of the Province of Salerno, as well as hunters, are collaborating in a very intense way to define standard experimental both legal and practical. A first step which, if well targeted, could become the subject of study and inspiration for other areas. It 'project in fact, with the participation of the Province and some municipalities in the territory of the Vallo di Diano, the establishment of a school for the disciplines in which hunting in a systematic way to introduce the teaching of courses offered by the Association to provide them with official recognition .
hunting with bow and sampling system with low environmental impact, never as the areas surrounding the parks (and the parks themselves) can benefit from it, if properly regulated and structured. Are specific actions in progress to explore the possibility of creating professional hunters to hunt with a bow selection, together with a program that provides for the creation of specialized operators in the management of ungulates (in this case the boar). Our association has prepared a large-scale action that will be operational shortly.
The thing I wonder most, in the light of two conferences organized in the territory, training courses and meetings, is the extraordinary response of traditional hunters. The same hunting organizations have shown a particular sensitivity in supporting this proposal. The bow hunting may perhaps become a "model" management, or at least a system for connecting components to an application management techniques more and more intense involvement between man and land through hunting.
Vittorio Brizzi
Bibliography useful
Brizzi - Zani, The Book of the hunter with a bow, publishers Greentime Spa, Bologna 2003
Brizzi, A bow hunting, planetarium editions, Bologna 1993
Badsworth , Stinger, - NBEF Educational Papers, 1975
Brooke, Stinger-NBEF Educational Papers, 1981
Tenting Of The Left Hemidiaphragm
The experiment is more difficult than ...
Reconstructing a prehistoric arrow, a medieval period, a cusp flint is experimental archeology. But let's be careful: what separates a passionate re-enactement from a scientific paper? Or rather, what is the boundary that separates the confusion by trying to learn from our past?
archeology experimentation is difficult. The physical sciences experimental protocols have outright carved in granite, all in all paths that are more simplified. The variable human behavior plays a predominant role in the analysis so that a comparison of experimental archaeological leptons, quarks and gravitational waves are subject ... malleable from one point of view "experimental." Unfortunately, this behavioral variable escapes from any possibility of serious hearing. The undersigned
comes from a background of academic research in the physical sciences, specifically was in charge of astronomical observation and speculation in cosmology. Today we worked with prehistoric archaeologists participating with his hands to "experiments" aimed at rebuilding the operational chains buried in the mists of time and reconstruct scenarios "predicted" based on the correlation of data from the field with behavioral inferences based on the system - environment. Operations research on stone chipping, and prehistoric hunting behavior to be investigated as an attribute (which is what interests me most) led me to apply concepts to experimental work forgotten, and he becomes a participant in a considerable effort, trying to identify standards and protocols that have practical value to study through experimentation.
The survey of our origins is a very special sottomistero of the immanent birth of the universe, and with it, in terms of speculation, it has an unbreakable bond. The astrophysicist can never build a star in the laboratory and to submit to experiments as well as the archaeologist can not fully master the phenomena of study because of the huge amount of variables involved, unable to "witness live the phenomenon" trying to explain.
In cosmology and archeology, it is not always possible to rigorously apply the scientific method, empirical, Galilean, or experimental if you will ... but it should be considered as a "guiding principle" for any investigation converged to create a "model" and then never go contrary to it. This ensures quality work and common language that sets benchmarks solid, the only ones that allow progress in the sciences.
Schematically (*) the experimental method is divided into five phases:
observation ('perceived experience "of Galileo)
description of the phenomenon, an assumption which refers to the comments (which Galileo called" Axiom ")
the experiment that would validate or refute the hypothesis (the experimental trial)
thesis, the law expressing the results.
In the first phase, the observer captures the salient aspects of the phenomenon that describes schematization. Certainly this is not 'possible to describe any process without reference to intuition, experience and sensitivity the investigator. In the case of Archaeology, the phenomenon is observable from the archaeological remains and many of context data.
The second step is to formulate a general law (in the language of classical physics and mathematics) that accords with the observations as possible sperimentali.Il transition from first to second phase and 'inductive inference, that a' particular set of observations leads to a general statement.
The next step is' what is to obtain the largest number of consequences, so be prepared, starting from the assumptions. The forecast models are functional, in Archaeology, must contemplate the human behavioral variable.
This phase, which consists of a deductive inference, with the support of mathematics. The effort to deduction is also accompanied by that of accommodation.
The fourth phase 'of the experimental verification, as it accepts the principle that if a law of physics and' true, all that it can be deduced mathematically must be confirmed by experience within the limits of uncertainty measures. The experimental experience in Archaeology, is the reconstruction and use of the product.
The assumption underlying the phase of the experiment and 'that, if repeated in the same conditions, will provide the same results. This allows you to compare results in different laboratories, to repeat the experiment many times as needed to improve the accuracy results.
correct paths of investigation in the trial in Archaeology may be many, because they were inspired by different disciplines. All of these pathways intersect and cross-disciplinary course must still converge towards the single objective of clarifying the vision and understanding of the possible truth. Truth in the plural, for never in archeology as the real truth can never be defined as definite and unique. So you need to gather data, in particular one must learn to extract and manage them properly and in accordance with the methods of investigation of science, and you should always think in terms of probability and hypothesis.
The history of experimentation in archeology, especially here in Italy, is short, it is perhaps not appropriate to talk about history but to its more legitimate legend. Academia is just that we hear about - not a whisper.
There has been some experimentation in the past to the archaeologist who, guessing correctly in a way this survey is interesting improvised himself a potter, glassblower, blacksmith, scheggiatore, fisherman, hunter ... by deducting from his direct experience, often clumsy, however, indications "published" because of their undoubted originality, this presumption has made little unfortunately a disservice to the progress of knowledge on prehistoric material culture and the behavioral sciences ancient human, due to some hasty conclusions, questionable, but became more widely known and taken as given.
At the same time, the large number of willing people who have self-appointed "experimental archaeologists" creating associations and working groups, sometimes animated by a spirit of naive, sometimes peculiar to the above, has such widespread interest in the matter itself because of its spectacular but it has generated enormous confusion, inflating the message and creating a cacophony semantics without peer, especially among the media and in schools. The academic world, of course, has declined this amateur archeology, eradicating unfortunately for a long time (at least here in Italy) any serious prospect of scientific experimentation.
From another, now one of the archeologists who collected intelligent cross-disciplinary contributions of engineers, craftsmen and "specialist" was able to make great progress on the analysis and functional interpretation of the findings relative to specific cultural contexts.
specialized characters to which I refer are those whose cultural background is the experience gained through years of application and the characteristics of "behavior" are still based on pragmatism, namely "to achieve the goal" with limited means available to a deliberate renunciation of modern technology.
Of course this was when the teamwork between researchers and investigators worked: when the crew have offered their skills to scientists and when the scientists decided to encourage such specialists to problem solving, especially listening to their comments.
From here one can easily deduce the Experimental Archaeology as a collective figure is to be seen, a team, not a single individual. The investigation of the interpenetration of science and pragmatic problem absolutely must go together in the same direction. Empiricism and experiment means to respect scrupulously observe the standards and comply with a protocol replicable anywhere and by anyone who with the skills, allowing them to refute or confirm the findings. Being in control of laboratory conditions, data and procedures means being able to give appropriate weight to them and know how to separate the important variables than negligible, but not always accurately record and process each and every track the operating process. This will allow other researchers to be able to add pieces in the mosaic of truths investigated.
archeology it is very difficult. The physical sciences experimental protocols have outright carved in granite, all in all paths that are more simplified. The variable human behavior plays a predominant role in the analysis so experimental archaeological compared leptons, quarks and gravitational waves are subject ... malleable from one point of view "experimental." Unfortunately, this behavioral variable escapes from any possibility of serious hearing.
why testing needs in archaeological resources, structures, talking heads formed in years of academic studies, both scientific and humanistic, and above all, mediation and common sense, intuition and sometimes even a little bit of creative transgression. "
also needs the hand and brain of those who can not only replicate the artifacts, but one that aims to use them in contexts as similar as possible to those derived from archaeological and scientific data analysis. Neither party can do without the other. Today
finally seems that things can take a road interesting. The sensitivity of the academic world has matured, offering the possibility of a contribution to the cross-disciplinary research by engineers completed, finally aware of the importance of those who have "hands" to create and use. In field archery
much has been done, perhaps naive in trying to ennoble a bow and arrow to a role not only recreational and sports. And here I am in the first line of Arc when she was born and I had the commitment to work on it, he left the close cooperation Archers with the Society of Antiquaries (thanks to Stefano Benini and now Jill Victoria Brazier), and has published and read History and Science, were created "centers of interest" very strong, are born not only local exchange of views and there has been a progressive urge of questions and debates. He was born the historical period as a sport (... and with all its inconsistencies) but also in almost fifteen years has set a precondition to understand the importance in terms of investigation of our past who, academically, and has always only considered the arrowheads at most as indicators cronotipologici and cultural rights, without examining the direct role with anthropology, ethnology and the analysis of human behavior. The bow and arrows were always on the edge of the interests of scholarly research, a little 'for the lack of findings and a bit' for the approximation of the knowledge, they often ignore the complexity and relegated to the rank of any other "tool" of wood. Only after the iceman, something moved, given the extraordinary complexity and completeness of the kit (still far from fully explained) in which the components are the lion's share of archery.
part of serious scholars, it was decided to investigate further. Through collaborations unexpected has come to the scientific results. In short, he shyly out from the well.
The study of arrowheads (much more in America for the Culture paleoindiane) has always been much later. There are thousands of scientific publications, since 1800, will study the form, the so-called type, size, but only and exclusively from the point of view: that of identifying the shape as a cultural attribute, and then time indicator in relation to the excavated site.
If you found a skeleton with arrowheads around the tip is to date the burial. Neither more nor less than the shape of a clay pot. Between all those publications (I assure you, thousand) only speaks a few dozen (or try to speak) of the report form and function, that is, the relationship that seeks to interpret the use and purpose of such an indicator ballistic. They came in war or hunting is safe, but that becomes a secondary issue .... Understanding how an arrowhead can differentiate a behavioral attitude (relative to the context in which it is found) becomes a mechanism of inquiry that may lead to other important deductive inferences, such as organizing social and economic relationships between the components of rank community. Understanding how and why a bow made in a way represents an object of prestige becomes an economic indicator and role, but understand this was only possible thanks to Galileo's demonstration in the reconstruction, namely the difficulty of making a similar tool that highlights the complexity of non-manual - but awareness of the constructive relationship material - form - function, the will to pursuing an objective that goes beyond the appearance. Only by doing so you can get a tool that "makes" for a particular purpose, knowing just where you want to achieve you can achieve that mastery can take into account certain structural variables, etc.., Things that a skilled artisan well Arcaia knows.
Vittorio Brizzi
Reconstructing a prehistoric arrow, a medieval period, a cusp flint is experimental archeology. But let's be careful: what separates a passionate re-enactement from a scientific paper? Or rather, what is the boundary that separates the confusion by trying to learn from our past?
archeology experimentation is difficult. The physical sciences experimental protocols have outright carved in granite, all in all paths that are more simplified. The variable human behavior plays a predominant role in the analysis so that a comparison of experimental archaeological leptons, quarks and gravitational waves are subject ... malleable from one point of view "experimental." Unfortunately, this behavioral variable escapes from any possibility of serious hearing. The undersigned
comes from a background of academic research in the physical sciences, specifically was in charge of astronomical observation and speculation in cosmology. Today we worked with prehistoric archaeologists participating with his hands to "experiments" aimed at rebuilding the operational chains buried in the mists of time and reconstruct scenarios "predicted" based on the correlation of data from the field with behavioral inferences based on the system - environment. Operations research on stone chipping, and prehistoric hunting behavior to be investigated as an attribute (which is what interests me most) led me to apply concepts to experimental work forgotten, and he becomes a participant in a considerable effort, trying to identify standards and protocols that have practical value to study through experimentation.
The survey of our origins is a very special sottomistero of the immanent birth of the universe, and with it, in terms of speculation, it has an unbreakable bond. The astrophysicist can never build a star in the laboratory and to submit to experiments as well as the archaeologist can not fully master the phenomena of study because of the huge amount of variables involved, unable to "witness live the phenomenon" trying to explain.
In cosmology and archeology, it is not always possible to rigorously apply the scientific method, empirical, Galilean, or experimental if you will ... but it should be considered as a "guiding principle" for any investigation converged to create a "model" and then never go contrary to it. This ensures quality work and common language that sets benchmarks solid, the only ones that allow progress in the sciences.
Schematically (*) the experimental method is divided into five phases:
observation ('perceived experience "of Galileo)
description of the phenomenon, an assumption which refers to the comments (which Galileo called" Axiom ")
the experiment that would validate or refute the hypothesis (the experimental trial)
thesis, the law expressing the results.
In the first phase, the observer captures the salient aspects of the phenomenon that describes schematization. Certainly this is not 'possible to describe any process without reference to intuition, experience and sensitivity the investigator. In the case of Archaeology, the phenomenon is observable from the archaeological remains and many of context data.
The second step is to formulate a general law (in the language of classical physics and mathematics) that accords with the observations as possible sperimentali.Il transition from first to second phase and 'inductive inference, that a' particular set of observations leads to a general statement.
The next step is' what is to obtain the largest number of consequences, so be prepared, starting from the assumptions. The forecast models are functional, in Archaeology, must contemplate the human behavioral variable.
This phase, which consists of a deductive inference, with the support of mathematics. The effort to deduction is also accompanied by that of accommodation.
The fourth phase 'of the experimental verification, as it accepts the principle that if a law of physics and' true, all that it can be deduced mathematically must be confirmed by experience within the limits of uncertainty measures. The experimental experience in Archaeology, is the reconstruction and use of the product.
The assumption underlying the phase of the experiment and 'that, if repeated in the same conditions, will provide the same results. This allows you to compare results in different laboratories, to repeat the experiment many times as needed to improve the accuracy results.
correct paths of investigation in the trial in Archaeology may be many, because they were inspired by different disciplines. All of these pathways intersect and cross-disciplinary course must still converge towards the single objective of clarifying the vision and understanding of the possible truth. Truth in the plural, for never in archeology as the real truth can never be defined as definite and unique. So you need to gather data, in particular one must learn to extract and manage them properly and in accordance with the methods of investigation of science, and you should always think in terms of probability and hypothesis.
The history of experimentation in archeology, especially here in Italy, is short, it is perhaps not appropriate to talk about history but to its more legitimate legend. Academia is just that we hear about - not a whisper.
There has been some experimentation in the past to the archaeologist who, guessing correctly in a way this survey is interesting improvised himself a potter, glassblower, blacksmith, scheggiatore, fisherman, hunter ... by deducting from his direct experience, often clumsy, however, indications "published" because of their undoubted originality, this presumption has made little unfortunately a disservice to the progress of knowledge on prehistoric material culture and the behavioral sciences ancient human, due to some hasty conclusions, questionable, but became more widely known and taken as given.
At the same time, the large number of willing people who have self-appointed "experimental archaeologists" creating associations and working groups, sometimes animated by a spirit of naive, sometimes peculiar to the above, has such widespread interest in the matter itself because of its spectacular but it has generated enormous confusion, inflating the message and creating a cacophony semantics without peer, especially among the media and in schools. The academic world, of course, has declined this amateur archeology, eradicating unfortunately for a long time (at least here in Italy) any serious prospect of scientific experimentation.
From another, now one of the archeologists who collected intelligent cross-disciplinary contributions of engineers, craftsmen and "specialist" was able to make great progress on the analysis and functional interpretation of the findings relative to specific cultural contexts.
specialized characters to which I refer are those whose cultural background is the experience gained through years of application and the characteristics of "behavior" are still based on pragmatism, namely "to achieve the goal" with limited means available to a deliberate renunciation of modern technology.
Of course this was when the teamwork between researchers and investigators worked: when the crew have offered their skills to scientists and when the scientists decided to encourage such specialists to problem solving, especially listening to their comments.
From here one can easily deduce the Experimental Archaeology as a collective figure is to be seen, a team, not a single individual. The investigation of the interpenetration of science and pragmatic problem absolutely must go together in the same direction. Empiricism and experiment means to respect scrupulously observe the standards and comply with a protocol replicable anywhere and by anyone who with the skills, allowing them to refute or confirm the findings. Being in control of laboratory conditions, data and procedures means being able to give appropriate weight to them and know how to separate the important variables than negligible, but not always accurately record and process each and every track the operating process. This will allow other researchers to be able to add pieces in the mosaic of truths investigated.
archeology it is very difficult. The physical sciences experimental protocols have outright carved in granite, all in all paths that are more simplified. The variable human behavior plays a predominant role in the analysis so experimental archaeological compared leptons, quarks and gravitational waves are subject ... malleable from one point of view "experimental." Unfortunately, this behavioral variable escapes from any possibility of serious hearing.
why testing needs in archaeological resources, structures, talking heads formed in years of academic studies, both scientific and humanistic, and above all, mediation and common sense, intuition and sometimes even a little bit of creative transgression. "
also needs the hand and brain of those who can not only replicate the artifacts, but one that aims to use them in contexts as similar as possible to those derived from archaeological and scientific data analysis. Neither party can do without the other. Today
finally seems that things can take a road interesting. The sensitivity of the academic world has matured, offering the possibility of a contribution to the cross-disciplinary research by engineers completed, finally aware of the importance of those who have "hands" to create and use. In field archery
much has been done, perhaps naive in trying to ennoble a bow and arrow to a role not only recreational and sports. And here I am in the first line of Arc when she was born and I had the commitment to work on it, he left the close cooperation Archers with the Society of Antiquaries (thanks to Stefano Benini and now Jill Victoria Brazier), and has published and read History and Science, were created "centers of interest" very strong, are born not only local exchange of views and there has been a progressive urge of questions and debates. He was born the historical period as a sport (... and with all its inconsistencies) but also in almost fifteen years has set a precondition to understand the importance in terms of investigation of our past who, academically, and has always only considered the arrowheads at most as indicators cronotipologici and cultural rights, without examining the direct role with anthropology, ethnology and the analysis of human behavior. The bow and arrows were always on the edge of the interests of scholarly research, a little 'for the lack of findings and a bit' for the approximation of the knowledge, they often ignore the complexity and relegated to the rank of any other "tool" of wood. Only after the iceman, something moved, given the extraordinary complexity and completeness of the kit (still far from fully explained) in which the components are the lion's share of archery.
part of serious scholars, it was decided to investigate further. Through collaborations unexpected has come to the scientific results. In short, he shyly out from the well.
The study of arrowheads (much more in America for the Culture paleoindiane) has always been much later. There are thousands of scientific publications, since 1800, will study the form, the so-called type, size, but only and exclusively from the point of view: that of identifying the shape as a cultural attribute, and then time indicator in relation to the excavated site.
If you found a skeleton with arrowheads around the tip is to date the burial. Neither more nor less than the shape of a clay pot. Between all those publications (I assure you, thousand) only speaks a few dozen (or try to speak) of the report form and function, that is, the relationship that seeks to interpret the use and purpose of such an indicator ballistic. They came in war or hunting is safe, but that becomes a secondary issue .... Understanding how an arrowhead can differentiate a behavioral attitude (relative to the context in which it is found) becomes a mechanism of inquiry that may lead to other important deductive inferences, such as organizing social and economic relationships between the components of rank community. Understanding how and why a bow made in a way represents an object of prestige becomes an economic indicator and role, but understand this was only possible thanks to Galileo's demonstration in the reconstruction, namely the difficulty of making a similar tool that highlights the complexity of non-manual - but awareness of the constructive relationship material - form - function, the will to pursuing an objective that goes beyond the appearance. Only by doing so you can get a tool that "makes" for a particular purpose, knowing just where you want to achieve you can achieve that mastery can take into account certain structural variables, etc.., Things that a skilled artisan well Arcaia knows.
Vittorio Brizzi
Stylish Baby Showers Blog
L ' Archer Mediterranean
The pages of this blog want to speak to all those who "feel" the archery in a different way. Or rather, tried to summarize in a simple and practical from a philosophical point of view, but at the same time articulated a progressive path exploration, a learning system of archery, and in a form quite deliberately provocative, inviting to put it into practice. The Mediterranean
Archer wants to be a real proposal for a "training", based on documentation of the East and that certainly influenced our undocumented (or almost) traditional archery Mediterranean, where you draw guidelines inspired by an ancient science extremely effective and pragmatic. In summary, as best you'll see by reading and following this column, you will be in contact with examples of educational old so "real" family and construction, which will probably wonder why this idea is only now emerged.
We already asked him to us. In fact for years that we discuss this possibility: first as a beloved born academic, then as a dream application, after the project becomes more ambitious and desire to achieve it. E 'was undertaken the monumental task of deciphering (here we can not speak only of translation) of ancient treatises of the middle East who come to the school teachers of shooting (yes ...) pupils archers, officers and strategists, who specializes in short to users, through the written word, laid the foundations for a "school shooting". All coated in different centuries and cultures, but with common elements and wires parallel, taut and vibrant. Needless to say, study and discuss the teaching models proposed by these masters, it is surprising modernity (!) And the practical applicability of the method, which emerges from the unique culture (psychological, anatomical, medical, physics, mathematics, pedagogy and teaching) which are carriers. A well-deserved praise for Culture of the Near East, never before has misunderstood a Cultural environment in an era when the West was not so ... subtle.
The work of synthesis necessary, very challenging, provides us with cues to direct a school of archery quite profound, coherent and interesting. These treaties (in the West have to wait maybe Ascham, but we are ... what kind of western?) Ranging from the year one thousand in the early sixteenth century, exposing the fundamental rules, practices, workouts, moral conduct, specializations up to a subtle but persuasive esotericism, in which the values \u200b\u200bof the doctrine is declared an integral part of training and learning the art. What is the figure
the archer who emerges? A man able to face the enemy in a variety of situations and able to control fear, "strong and effective against a hard but structured teaching" step by step. " A leading warrior, with a specialized role, which is listed and valued differently from the medieval Central Europe which, although effective and necessary in the economy of the facts of war, fades in the literature as the protagonist in the face of the "gentleman" to whom everything is due.
The teaching model, then, faced with a work of modernization (in terms of communication) required, it becomes an integrated system based on man and on his "improvement" as never before Today, we believe, necessary.
Forget ideological preconceptions, but basiamoci facts: the arc was created as a weapon, and as such it has properties that make it "revolutionary" than other weapons. Striking distance, of course, is his strong point. But do it with power, precision and skill (which would be the total mastery of the target more communion with the body or the bow and arrow that become part of one's corporeal) become the mission to accomplish as a whole. Today, needless to say, only the precision (and the parabolic dish) is the end, that to be achieved needs drugs and technological illusions.
treaties teach various schools, but none of them deviated from the target synthesized by Arkan (the Pillars) which are the basic grade. No person should be forgotten, all cultivated with patience. The framework that emerges naturally from archery beautiful lines of these texts, when describing the archer who overcome difficulties and ordeals "not placing" Another problem of the fluidity in the achievement of shots and quality impacts, practicing exercises fun (!) common to certain games that - I challenge you all to deny it - we certainly have done in the past with friends or family of roving (maybe then shame, almost Peter Pan syndrome was a time to heal disease in our recursive to the sound of the official competitions and regulations "serious") here become the rule.
is not "historical archery" as today it intends to play or re-enactement - cultural. This is not an "alternative" or sporting a new tout court martial discipline. Nor is it an academic approach. It is all these things together, to a certain extent, but also something so old (ancient), which is conspicuous by its ontological modernity. It seems paradoxical, but today one of trends, fashions and attitudes of a party, you do a "great dancing around" on old concepts (the pull of arc is a prince among these concepts), but it is limited, often, to live them through marginal aspects, spectacular. At best you make a new game, but often it will lose the links with the tradition and roots.
Wanting to explain, our sport is such a little over two centuries, or rather it is celebrated as such only since the end of "hitting a target" quota has ceased to be a need, life and death, to the or similar to their game. A sport that evolved, it has lost control over the subject and the process (the individual, and improvement) to move the object (the tool) as a parent, emphasizing self-performance that has nothing do with the base motivation that has led man to invent an efficient system to hit at a distance.
Yet we should show more respect to the arch. Even his birth is a symbolic element in itself, not around that precise time window that sees the abandonment of subsistence based on hunting-gathering and-for those of farming and intensive land use. It has its beginnings in the Upper Palaeolithic as a sophisticated and innovative process to become gradually perfected venation system to fight their own kind, spanning the Neolithic revolution which represents the first shocking and radical transformation of human society. Man loses since then and always to a greater extent, contact with the root wild, natural. The arrow is the protagonist and witness, a means of supporting and accelerating. Far from being the place to discuss the role (in this "revolution") but also an element on which to meditate: the bow and arrow as if they were the last reminiscence of a diverse, perhaps uncomfortable, but certainly more integrated with the original bases.
highly symbolic element, and then, without detracting from the fact that fifteen thousand years (at least) are far more powerful than a few centuries, although recent decades have seen, really, the sorts of things. What
means "Archery Mediterranean"?
Although the arch was the heritage of all cultures and all human groups from the Paleolithic onwards in every corner of the globe, its sedimentation history and traces its most significant find in the great civilizations of the Near, Middle and Far East (Byzantines, Persians, Turks, Chinese, Hindus, but even before the Egyptians, Assyrians, Scythians, etc...) These refined civilization - united by the use of the arch-type composite (horn, wood blinds), which constituted a deadly weapon - produced over the centuries of what we call the Middle Ages, a vast literature on the techniques used and training the archery,
The unification of the Middle East under the banner of Islam and the consequent prevalence of the Arabic language as a unifying moment of the conquered peoples, promoted the flowering of a vast literature and technical-scientific, that as in many other fields of human knowledge, also interested in the military arts and especially in archery. Moreover, the Arabs were able to collect and turn in written theory also secular practical experience, but not coded, the peoples of the steppes of Asia, especially on the shot from his horse.
were translated or written in Arabic so many treatises on the techniques of shooting and training, aimed specifically treated to archers of hosts Arabs (in particular the Mamluks), which, unlike the western archers from the same period, were literate and thus able to read and study these treaties. These texts will impress with their wealth of data, knowledge, information on how to conceive the archery on training techniques and training and the philosophical and religious concepts associated with it. This "arc civilization" spread throughout the Mediterranean basin, finding fertile ground in the regions that had already been or were under the influence of the Byzantines (the "Romans" of the medieval Mediterranean), touching our shores, in particularly in Southern Italy but also in the territories that were already Byzantine Exarchate (Ravenna) or those that more be influenced by the Ottoman (Venice). There
rserviamo to deal with these issues in more appropriate locations, such as Arcosophia (on which John Amatucci began to publish a kind of Islamic history at archery episodes) here, instead, we want to delve more into more ground " political "in the sense of participation in a debate now under way for some time on the roots traditional archery.
From these my studies, in fact, reveal anything that can hopefully be a positive contribution to the ongoing debate on the concept of so-called instinctive shooting, or traditional.
A first fact that emerges strongly is that what today is called "instinctive shooting" is not a modern invention, or by fread Bear Howard Hill. In all treated the ancient concept that emerged strongly was that the archer to be regarded as such, must be able to shoot with precision, strength, speed and movement (his and / or target). These were the "pillars" (in Arabic, Arkan) of archery and the same concepts are found in the manuals Byzantine, Hindu, Chinese. These skills together formed the complete athlete. Of course, such skills are heavily influenced by the archer military or hunter, but to say that even a purely recreational activity retained these characteristics, probably because in the final analysis, the races were a form of training. It 'clear that in order to cultivate all of these features could not be "instinctive" that pull strength, precision and speed at the same time. A hunting or in battle there was no time for false purposes or viewfinders.
Things started to change in the West, when in the nineteenth century saw a revival of archery now defunct for several centuries as military activities. When the arc ceased to be a weapon of war and hunting was transformed into a tool "Sports" in the Anglo-Saxon of the word. The English Horace Ford's first major sports athlete, developing techniques and theories that finally demolished the concept of the shooting war and hunting. He and his comrades were more interested in using a weapon, but simply a tool to be fun: so farewell to the force, speed of execution goodbye, goodbye to mobility, the only factor that was developed and pursued was that of accuracy. From here began the journey of what would later become the modern Olympic archer, with rims, sights and all the equipment designed to enhance the highest degree of accuracy possible. Against this way of understanding the archery arose in the middle of last century in America, a new movement which tended to restore to its primitive archery. The deeds of Hill, Bear and his companions also enthusiastic Europeans born and experiences such as that of FIARC, and in the name of hunting practice, concepts such as force, speed and mobility once again part of the technical skills of the archer.
the long run, however, the exasperation racing related to the development of new technologies increasingly whirling, is making resurgence, even in those who had based their reason for being on the above principles, the old Ford's objections, which to paraphrase modern, it would sound roughly like this: "The bow is no longer a weapon. What is the strength of the arrow? What is mobility? In the end, the only thing that matters is making the center, no matter how and by what means. "So you go back to reassess the only parameter of precision at the expense of others. Goodbye, complete athlete!
Our idea, instead, is to give solid foundations to the principles of traditional archery. Starting a practice shot that is aimed at the revival of these ancient traditions, with a meritorious work to a tradition so ancient that, paradoxically, has been lost for some time in almost all regions of the Far and Near East (except for cases such as Japan, where the tradition was saved only at the cost of a rigid framework in precepts and forms).
it follows three basic principles of this process of historical reconstruction and anthropological novelty-martial, on which to base a revival of traditions, remember, that could escape from the false controversies and conflicts: target or collimation, instinct or reason, or technological primitivism.
1. Reassessment of the four "pillars" of archery: precision, strength, speed, mobility, proposing a figure of a modern archer can try and master the whole of such skills.
2. Decision to focus the improvement of man than the equipment.
3. Focus on the aspect of training, the course, the "way", than the performance of the result at all costs,
The first point means firstly to reassess the concept of simulation, because no war and hunting, in which adopt forms of training and competition-based evaluation systems of all four skills, together and separately.
The second is to adopt equipment as simple as possible, knowing that only by resetting the parameters of the equipment, we can bring out and keep constant human control parameter.
The third point means to define a way of understanding the practice archery closer to martial arts exasperation competitive practice of other modern sports. In short, a "way of the Mediterranean", based on research for the improvement of those psycho-physical practice, in which there is also room for the time being competitive, but as verification of the route taken as fact and not an end in itself.
Vittorio Brizzi
John Amatucci

Archer wants to be a real proposal for a "training", based on documentation of the East and that certainly influenced our undocumented (or almost) traditional archery Mediterranean, where you draw guidelines inspired by an ancient science extremely effective and pragmatic. In summary, as best you'll see by reading and following this column, you will be in contact with examples of educational old so "real" family and construction, which will probably wonder why this idea is only now emerged.
We already asked him to us. In fact for years that we discuss this possibility: first as a beloved born academic, then as a dream application, after the project becomes more ambitious and desire to achieve it. E 'was undertaken the monumental task of deciphering (here we can not speak only of translation) of ancient treatises of the middle East who come to the school teachers of shooting (yes ...) pupils archers, officers and strategists, who specializes in short to users, through the written word, laid the foundations for a "school shooting". All coated in different centuries and cultures, but with common elements and wires parallel, taut and vibrant. Needless to say, study and discuss the teaching models proposed by these masters, it is surprising modernity (!) And the practical applicability of the method, which emerges from the unique culture (psychological, anatomical, medical, physics, mathematics, pedagogy and teaching) which are carriers. A well-deserved praise for Culture of the Near East, never before has misunderstood a Cultural environment in an era when the West was not so ... subtle.
The work of synthesis necessary, very challenging, provides us with cues to direct a school of archery quite profound, coherent and interesting. These treaties (in the West have to wait maybe Ascham, but we are ... what kind of western?) Ranging from the year one thousand in the early sixteenth century, exposing the fundamental rules, practices, workouts, moral conduct, specializations up to a subtle but persuasive esotericism, in which the values \u200b\u200bof the doctrine is declared an integral part of training and learning the art. What is the figure
the archer who emerges? A man able to face the enemy in a variety of situations and able to control fear, "strong and effective against a hard but structured teaching" step by step. " A leading warrior, with a specialized role, which is listed and valued differently from the medieval Central Europe which, although effective and necessary in the economy of the facts of war, fades in the literature as the protagonist in the face of the "gentleman" to whom everything is due.
The teaching model, then, faced with a work of modernization (in terms of communication) required, it becomes an integrated system based on man and on his "improvement" as never before Today, we believe, necessary.
Forget ideological preconceptions, but basiamoci facts: the arc was created as a weapon, and as such it has properties that make it "revolutionary" than other weapons. Striking distance, of course, is his strong point. But do it with power, precision and skill (which would be the total mastery of the target more communion with the body or the bow and arrow that become part of one's corporeal) become the mission to accomplish as a whole. Today, needless to say, only the precision (and the parabolic dish) is the end, that to be achieved needs drugs and technological illusions.
treaties teach various schools, but none of them deviated from the target synthesized by Arkan (the Pillars) which are the basic grade. No person should be forgotten, all cultivated with patience. The framework that emerges naturally from archery beautiful lines of these texts, when describing the archer who overcome difficulties and ordeals "not placing" Another problem of the fluidity in the achievement of shots and quality impacts, practicing exercises fun (!) common to certain games that - I challenge you all to deny it - we certainly have done in the past with friends or family of roving (maybe then shame, almost Peter Pan syndrome was a time to heal disease in our recursive to the sound of the official competitions and regulations "serious") here become the rule.
is not "historical archery" as today it intends to play or re-enactement - cultural. This is not an "alternative" or sporting a new tout court martial discipline. Nor is it an academic approach. It is all these things together, to a certain extent, but also something so old (ancient), which is conspicuous by its ontological modernity. It seems paradoxical, but today one of trends, fashions and attitudes of a party, you do a "great dancing around" on old concepts (the pull of arc is a prince among these concepts), but it is limited, often, to live them through marginal aspects, spectacular. At best you make a new game, but often it will lose the links with the tradition and roots.
Wanting to explain, our sport is such a little over two centuries, or rather it is celebrated as such only since the end of "hitting a target" quota has ceased to be a need, life and death, to the or similar to their game. A sport that evolved, it has lost control over the subject and the process (the individual, and improvement) to move the object (the tool) as a parent, emphasizing self-performance that has nothing do with the base motivation that has led man to invent an efficient system to hit at a distance.
Yet we should show more respect to the arch. Even his birth is a symbolic element in itself, not around that precise time window that sees the abandonment of subsistence based on hunting-gathering and-for those of farming and intensive land use. It has its beginnings in the Upper Palaeolithic as a sophisticated and innovative process to become gradually perfected venation system to fight their own kind, spanning the Neolithic revolution which represents the first shocking and radical transformation of human society. Man loses since then and always to a greater extent, contact with the root wild, natural. The arrow is the protagonist and witness, a means of supporting and accelerating. Far from being the place to discuss the role (in this "revolution") but also an element on which to meditate: the bow and arrow as if they were the last reminiscence of a diverse, perhaps uncomfortable, but certainly more integrated with the original bases.
highly symbolic element, and then, without detracting from the fact that fifteen thousand years (at least) are far more powerful than a few centuries, although recent decades have seen, really, the sorts of things. What
means "Archery Mediterranean"?
Although the arch was the heritage of all cultures and all human groups from the Paleolithic onwards in every corner of the globe, its sedimentation history and traces its most significant find in the great civilizations of the Near, Middle and Far East (Byzantines, Persians, Turks, Chinese, Hindus, but even before the Egyptians, Assyrians, Scythians, etc...) These refined civilization - united by the use of the arch-type composite (horn, wood blinds), which constituted a deadly weapon - produced over the centuries of what we call the Middle Ages, a vast literature on the techniques used and training the archery,
The unification of the Middle East under the banner of Islam and the consequent prevalence of the Arabic language as a unifying moment of the conquered peoples, promoted the flowering of a vast literature and technical-scientific, that as in many other fields of human knowledge, also interested in the military arts and especially in archery. Moreover, the Arabs were able to collect and turn in written theory also secular practical experience, but not coded, the peoples of the steppes of Asia, especially on the shot from his horse.
were translated or written in Arabic so many treatises on the techniques of shooting and training, aimed specifically treated to archers of hosts Arabs (in particular the Mamluks), which, unlike the western archers from the same period, were literate and thus able to read and study these treaties. These texts will impress with their wealth of data, knowledge, information on how to conceive the archery on training techniques and training and the philosophical and religious concepts associated with it. This "arc civilization" spread throughout the Mediterranean basin, finding fertile ground in the regions that had already been or were under the influence of the Byzantines (the "Romans" of the medieval Mediterranean), touching our shores, in particularly in Southern Italy but also in the territories that were already Byzantine Exarchate (Ravenna) or those that more be influenced by the Ottoman (Venice). There
rserviamo to deal with these issues in more appropriate locations, such as Arcosophia (on which John Amatucci began to publish a kind of Islamic history at archery episodes) here, instead, we want to delve more into more ground " political "in the sense of participation in a debate now under way for some time on the roots traditional archery.
From these my studies, in fact, reveal anything that can hopefully be a positive contribution to the ongoing debate on the concept of so-called instinctive shooting, or traditional.
A first fact that emerges strongly is that what today is called "instinctive shooting" is not a modern invention, or by fread Bear Howard Hill. In all treated the ancient concept that emerged strongly was that the archer to be regarded as such, must be able to shoot with precision, strength, speed and movement (his and / or target). These were the "pillars" (in Arabic, Arkan) of archery and the same concepts are found in the manuals Byzantine, Hindu, Chinese. These skills together formed the complete athlete. Of course, such skills are heavily influenced by the archer military or hunter, but to say that even a purely recreational activity retained these characteristics, probably because in the final analysis, the races were a form of training. It 'clear that in order to cultivate all of these features could not be "instinctive" that pull strength, precision and speed at the same time. A hunting or in battle there was no time for false purposes or viewfinders.
Things started to change in the West, when in the nineteenth century saw a revival of archery now defunct for several centuries as military activities. When the arc ceased to be a weapon of war and hunting was transformed into a tool "Sports" in the Anglo-Saxon of the word. The English Horace Ford's first major sports athlete, developing techniques and theories that finally demolished the concept of the shooting war and hunting. He and his comrades were more interested in using a weapon, but simply a tool to be fun: so farewell to the force, speed of execution goodbye, goodbye to mobility, the only factor that was developed and pursued was that of accuracy. From here began the journey of what would later become the modern Olympic archer, with rims, sights and all the equipment designed to enhance the highest degree of accuracy possible. Against this way of understanding the archery arose in the middle of last century in America, a new movement which tended to restore to its primitive archery. The deeds of Hill, Bear and his companions also enthusiastic Europeans born and experiences such as that of FIARC, and in the name of hunting practice, concepts such as force, speed and mobility once again part of the technical skills of the archer.
the long run, however, the exasperation racing related to the development of new technologies increasingly whirling, is making resurgence, even in those who had based their reason for being on the above principles, the old Ford's objections, which to paraphrase modern, it would sound roughly like this: "The bow is no longer a weapon. What is the strength of the arrow? What is mobility? In the end, the only thing that matters is making the center, no matter how and by what means. "So you go back to reassess the only parameter of precision at the expense of others. Goodbye, complete athlete!
Our idea, instead, is to give solid foundations to the principles of traditional archery. Starting a practice shot that is aimed at the revival of these ancient traditions, with a meritorious work to a tradition so ancient that, paradoxically, has been lost for some time in almost all regions of the Far and Near East (except for cases such as Japan, where the tradition was saved only at the cost of a rigid framework in precepts and forms).
it follows three basic principles of this process of historical reconstruction and anthropological novelty-martial, on which to base a revival of traditions, remember, that could escape from the false controversies and conflicts: target or collimation, instinct or reason, or technological primitivism.
1. Reassessment of the four "pillars" of archery: precision, strength, speed, mobility, proposing a figure of a modern archer can try and master the whole of such skills.
2. Decision to focus the improvement of man than the equipment.
3. Focus on the aspect of training, the course, the "way", than the performance of the result at all costs,
The first point means firstly to reassess the concept of simulation, because no war and hunting, in which adopt forms of training and competition-based evaluation systems of all four skills, together and separately.
The second is to adopt equipment as simple as possible, knowing that only by resetting the parameters of the equipment, we can bring out and keep constant human control parameter.
The third point means to define a way of understanding the practice archery closer to martial arts exasperation competitive practice of other modern sports. In short, a "way of the Mediterranean", based on research for the improvement of those psycho-physical practice, in which there is also room for the time being competitive, but as verification of the route taken as fact and not an end in itself.
Vittorio Brizzi
John Amatucci
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