Monday, November 29, 2010

Do High Heels Make Your Boobs


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alliance Fixed Deposit 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Camera Bag To Fit Nikon D40

Salads mathematics 2, Paul Gangemi A

This delightful book explores math through many different points of view, from literature to philosophy, love of history, geography, daily on the street, from theology to poetry. It shows us that mathematics is not just made by formulas and abstruse problems soporific, but an integral part of our life and history of our culture.
The simplicity of the mathematical explanations (do not require any special knowledge of the subject) is combined with a highly multidisciplinary approach that the author, for example, reads Dante in key mathematics (perhaps my favorite chapter for its beauty and simplicity of the interpretation which the author gives Dante's universe) tells a thousand million Pennac poems, analyzing not only on a mathematical, but also in part the chemical famous story of the life of St. Augustine where the understanding of the Trinity by man is likened to want to empty the sea with a shell; us explain the logic of Socrates. The author also throws in everyday life, including parking pains of love, through the supercomputer of science fiction novels.
Everything is expressed in a gently humorous style, mixed with a pinch of irony, reminds me of my beloved Campanile.