Friday, December 24, 2010

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Merry Christmas!

Jesus is born for us, to save us and make us like him, God and man. Let us rejoice in this gift!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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That armed Christians who "liberate" the holy places from the infidels, guilty of impeding the flow of pilgrims and local Christians to harass.
am far from our mentality, I agree. But we can look with a little 'benevolent people lived 8-9 centuries ago? We can assume that their mentality was different from ours? Some do not like "context", but it seems to me unfair.

If we wanted to give an opinion, as I say, absolutely, what could we say? Of course all the violence must be rejected that there were unnecessary, such as those at of the First Crusade. But what if it was essentially a self-defense, then the verdict should be cautious, and carefully utilize research.

One might ask why the violence is not the subject of colonial prejudices so suspicious. If the value is money, then an armed intervention (for many) is tolerable. If the value is spiritual, then (for them) no. Strange.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Do High Heels Make Your Boobs


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alliance Fixed Deposit 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Camera Bag To Fit Nikon D40

Salads mathematics 2, Paul Gangemi A

This delightful book explores math through many different points of view, from literature to philosophy, love of history, geography, daily on the street, from theology to poetry. It shows us that mathematics is not just made by formulas and abstruse problems soporific, but an integral part of our life and history of our culture.
The simplicity of the mathematical explanations (do not require any special knowledge of the subject) is combined with a highly multidisciplinary approach that the author, for example, reads Dante in key mathematics (perhaps my favorite chapter for its beauty and simplicity of the interpretation which the author gives Dante's universe) tells a thousand million Pennac poems, analyzing not only on a mathematical, but also in part the chemical famous story of the life of St. Augustine where the understanding of the Trinity by man is likened to want to empty the sea with a shell; us explain the logic of Socrates. The author also throws in everyday life, including parking pains of love, through the supercomputer of science fiction novels.
Everything is expressed in a gently humorous style, mixed with a pinch of irony, reminds me of my beloved Campanile.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Technical Polaroid 20x24

dinner from the Neanderthal, the role of food in human evolution. Juan Luis Arsuaga

Important Notice: The little book of Neanderthal man, in this sense the title is misleading.
We talk about human evolution. It is worth mentioning that the author, Arsuaga, is one of the archaeologists who manage Atapuerca, the oldest and most important excavations in prehistoric Europe. And this book proves it.
The central theme of this book is the food, its role in our evolution. It 's a topic relatively little attention in terms of science but extremely interesting, thanks to the axiom "you are what you eat." In human history there have been two different "food revolution" that caused significant changes both biological and cultural. Arsuaga told them through two stories. In fact, two actual events, the first few million years ago, the second a few thousand years ago. And from these two facts which have led man to become what it is, the author tells us about our evolution, with a witty style and strict at the same time, able to capture the reader's attention and not let escape. There are many aspects of evolution man taken into account, some of which are not often treated in the books of this type. Scientific explanations are simple and clear, accessible to anyone with curiosity and a smattering of science education.
not only the style surprised me very positively, but also the structural choices are special. The most informative essays on the evolution of man starts with a historical overview of studies concerning the subject, then give a time frame and end up with an accurate description of what the fossils tell of our history. Arsuaga upsets this scheme one step closer towards the average reader who does not know the topic, so intrigued and not bored.
A further note on the author misses is that the book on its website. Could afford it, instead choosing two periods away from what made him famous. Then he speaks, of course, but are not particularly invasive. It seems to me a demonstration of considerable seriousness, could easily have simply ride the wave of success of Atapuerca and forget everything else. He did not and the result is superb.
... If only they had translated the title in a meaningful way ...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Intimidating Sports Quotes

the English Revolution

Consideration of the English Revolution is necessarily divided: on one hand, politically, that went beyond absolutism and toward the parliamentary system is positive, the other one can not forget how the deployment filoparlamentare, and Cromwell, e poi quanti tramarono per rovesciare Giacomo II, fossero a) sul piano religioso anticattolici e fautori di una radicalizzazione protestantizzante dell'anglicanesimo b) fautori di una idea di proprietà privata decisamente individualistica, nemica del valore della solidarietà. Per non parlare degli orribili massacri perpetrati da Cromwell contro gli irlandesi.
Certo, fu un guaio per i cattolici inglesi del '600, trovarsi a dover sostenere, come male minore, una realtà come l'assolutismo, che non è certo la migliore traduzione politica dell'impostazione cristiana; tuttavia, appunto, era il male minore.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Application Online For Macy'swarehouse


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tripod For Fuji Finepix Z20

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© Giovanni Caviezel

Little Red Wagon Birthday Cake

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